Guidance Notes for when You Employ a P. A Guidance Notes for when You Employ a P.A. or Carers to Work in Your Home and also for Your Own Safeguarding
Remember that you, and your P. A Remember that you, and your P.A.s and Carers when working in your home, must take responsibility for all safety issues. Let us suppose that you have employed a P.A. or Carers to enable you to live as independent as possible. The following list will help and guide you on how to keep everyone safe in the home.
Security and Safety Have you got Employer’s Liability Insurance and is it on display where it can be seen in your home? Does the person who you are going to employ have the right to work in the United Kingdom and hold a DBS certificate? Have you got emergency numbers by the phone in case you need them at any time? Do you have the Mascot Telecare service and do you wear the alarm button when you are on your own? Do you have a door entry intercom / camera to identify who is visiting? This will help deter bogus callers. Are your doors and windows secured when you are out? Can you get out quickly if there is a fire in your home?
This useful information should be kept in a safe place. Hazards If you have gas central heating or other gas appliances a Gas Safety check must be carried out annually. Are all your electrical appliances in good working order, cooker, kettles, microwave, oven, iron, vacuum cleaner, TV etc? If you are using electric extension leads for additional appliances are they surge protected? Are there any obstacles on the floor in any part of your home that would endanger anyone? Is the disability equipment you use in your home annually checked by your O.T. or the company that supplied it? Have you considered installing a smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector? This is advisable for your own and your visitor’s safety. This useful information should be kept in a safe place.