Design and Implementation of Web services-oriented Application B. Ramamurthy 11/30/2018
Introduction In this lecture we will learn methods for designing and implementation of WS-oriented projects. We will cover the entire lifecycle starting from unified modeling language (UML) to deployment and execution. After this lecture you should be able to design a solution for project and implement it. 11/30/2018
Topics UML tool: demo version of rational rose Use case diagram Class diagram Netbeans 6.1 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) Simple Java application Simple Java class Create a web service and deploy web service Applications (Java, Web-JSP) to consume WS End-to-end WS-oriented application 11/30/2018
Use Case Diagram Used in defining the system Example: your project 11/30/2018
Class diagram Used in specifying the implementation using classes and object-oriented principles. Example: calculator 11/30/2018
Java Application for Calculator Java class for Calculator 11/30/2018
Calculator web service Exposing the operations of the calculator as a web service 11/30/2018
WS-Consumers Write a Java application to consume the calculator WS Write a web application (JSP) to consume the calculator WS 11/30/2018
An End-End Application An end-end application using a Web service exposed by an external source: This demo also illustrates mobile applications and MIDlets. 11/30/2018
Dilbert Application Design 11/30/2018
Your project Select a domain, and a problem in the domain Design a solution using use case diagram Plan the implementation Study tutorials on whichever IDE you select (netbeans, eclipse) Develop your solution in incremental steps 11/30/2018
URLs of interest Web services offered by, google, yahoo and others 11/30/2018