MOT PPP PILOT PROJECT 2018 Port Sector Proving Ground BPLJSKB Anggrek Port Bau – Bau Port Proving Ground BPLJSKB ToD Poris Plawad Construction and Development of Residential area, Walkable Design Pedestrian, Mixture of use, in Poris Plawad Terminal which a Type-A terminal in KotaTangerang that serve Jabodetabek Transportation Area, Provincial (AKDP) and Inter-City Makassar – Pare Pare Railway BPLJSKB Proving Ground Development Plan as one of an efforts to meet the UNECE standard as a guideline for the preparation of standard of motor vehicle toll road testing in Indonesia, the project will offer trough government pay PPP’s (availability payment) where the private sector will responsible for Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintaned (DBFOM) Komodo Airport Komodo Labuan Bajo is a tourism area which has enormous potential to be managed and developed. Komodo airport currently are managed by the Airport Organizing Unit under the Ministry of Transportation and offered as PPPs Under the concession/licenses contract that will involve a long-term contract with the private sector to manage and operate all of the airport infrastructure with significant or material initial investment Makassar- Pare-Pare Railway is located in the Province of South Sulawesi with a total track length of 142 km Mainline track consisting of the A-B-C-D-E segment with the additional of a 4.7 km Garongkong track (Garongkong Port located in Segment B). For Phase-1, the Makassar Railway - Pare-pare project offered for PPPs which includes the operation and maintenance of a 111.7 km mainline (B-C-D segment including Garongkong track) and railway line construction to local industries (segment F). Pilot Project PPP Kementerian Perhubungan
MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION PPP STAGE Implementation Planning Preparation Transaction RTRWK RTRWN RTRWP preliminary studies Construction DED Penanggung Jawab Proyek Kerjasama (didukung oleh PFKKI dan konsultan) Swasta Funding Process Consultant Procurement Project Development Facility Trasaction By TAS PQ Market Sounding Bid Evaluate Contract Negotiaton Du Diligince Lender Final Business Case Dokumen Shorlist Request For Proposal PPP Proposal Evaluation PPP Contract Approval Sector Master Plan Spatial Plan RPJMN Strategic Plan Pre Study Financial Close Loan Disbursement Project Process OBC Tahapan proyek KPBU di Lingkungan Kementerian Perhubungan di bagi menjadi 3 tahap yaitu : Tahap perencanaan Tahap penyiapan Tahap transaksi dimana setelah itu dimulai dengan proses pendanaan 2
Makassar – Pare Pare Railway Project STAGE OF PPPs PILOT PROJECT In the Aanwijing process for Request for Proposal (RFP) document Makassar – Pare Pare Railway Project In the process of preparing the Outline Business Case (OBC) document Proving Ground BPLJSKB Bekasi There will be review of FBC documents and assistance to Transactions by PT PII for BAU - BAU ports Preliminary Study, OBC, FBC and transaction assistance by PT PII for Anggrek Bau – Bau and Anggrek Port Market Sounding will be held on September 25 at the BKPM Office Komodo Labuan Bajo Airport The OBC document that has been prepared by the prospective initiator has been reviewed by Bappenas and in the adjustment process ToD Poris Plawad
Availability Payment (AP) Return on Investment of Business Entity User Pay Availability Payment (AP) Information For the Infrastructure Services In accordance with the agreement PPP As long as it's not contradictory With legislation - Invitation > 30 Years < 30 Years Makasssar – Pare Pare Railway In the Process of Finalizing the Confirmation of AP Payment for Amount and Duration Proving Ground BPLJSKB Anggrek Port Waiting for the results of the IIGF Study Bau – Bau Port Waiting for IIGF Review Results Komodo Airport ToD Poris Plawad
IDICATIVE TIME LINE PILOT PROJECT KPBU YANG AKAN MENGGUNAKAN SKEMA AP Project Time Line Completed Construction Commercial Operation Date Year of AP Payment KA MAKASSSAR PARE The plan of Makassar – Pare Pare railway located in South Sulawesi with the total length 142 KM mainline track (consists of A-B-C-D-E segment) with additional 4.7 KM of Garongkong track (Garongkong Port located in segment B). For the phase one, the Makassar – Pare Pare railway project was offered to cooperate, that include 111.7 KM mainline (segment B-C-D including Garongkong track) and the railway construction that headed to local industry (segment F). This project is Priority Project and included in National Strategic Project (PSN) that has been offered through partnership of the government and business entity scheme. 2021 2021 2022 Project Project Time Line KPBU PEMBANGUNAN PROVING GROUND BPLJSKB Development plan of Proving Ground BPLKSKB as one of the effort to fill the UNECE standard as guideline of standard compiling test expediency vehicle in Indonesia Completed Construction Commercial Operation Date Year of AP Payment 2021 2021 2022 Catatan: Indicative time Line untuk proyek KPBU Makassar Pare Pare Berdasarkan dari hasil Kajian OBC yang sudah dilaksanakan Sedangkan untuk KPBU Proving Ground BPLJSKB berdasarkan kajian Studi Pendahuluan yang sudah dilaksanakan
AVAILABILITY PAYMENT FUNDING SCHEME Government Pay PPPs The payment will be made periodically by the Minister of Transportation cq Echelon I Work Unit to the Implementing Business Entity for the availability of Infrastructure services in accordance with the quality and / or criteria as specified in the PPP agreement. The AP PPP scheme is very suitable to be applied to projects that are less commercially viable as well as Makassar Pare Pare Train and BPLJSKB Proving ground Construction Note: Indicative time Line for Makassar Pare Pare PPP project Based on the results of the OBC Study that has been carried out Whereas for PPP Proving Ground BPLJSKB based on the Preliminary Study study that has been carried out
PPP PILOT PROJECT Makassar Pare – Pare Railway The construction of the railway for public transportation, as far as 142 KM from Makassar – Pare Pare in South Sulawesi, as the part of Trans Sulawesi Railway development
MAP OF KPBU MAKASSAR – PARE PARE RAILWAY Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar New Port Makassar KM 0+000 (Makassar Station) s.d. KM 12+150 KM 119+150 (Palanro Station) s.d. KM 142+000 (Parepare Station Section KM 0 + 000 s.d. KM 12 + 150 1 Section KM 119 + 150 s.d. 142 + 000 2 Section from / to Bosowa and Tonasa Cement Factory 3 Sections that have the potential to use PPP schemes consist of: 8
INFRASTRUCTURE OPERATIONAL READY JATIM 4 : MAKASSAR-PAREPARE INFRASTRUCTURE OPERATIONAL READY KM 142+000 KM 119+150 Conch Location of 3 Tunnel & 1 Elevated Track KM 76+200 Tonasa 2015/2016 Bosowa 42,95 KM + 4,7 KM (47,65 KM) 2018 Airport (1) On going 16 Package Construction; (2) Infrastructure was ready to operate for 47.65 KM in October 64 KM KM 12+150 2019 KM 0+000 (1) Ijin Penetapan Lokasi sudah ditandatangani Gubernur Sulsel; (2) Target Pembayaran mulai Akhir Desember 2017; (3) Lelang Konstruksi direncanakan mulai November 2017; (4) Prasarana siap operasi sepanjang 111,65 KM pada bulan Mei 2019 Perlu Perhatian: Belum ada Target Sarana dan Fasilitas Operasi TOTAL : 111,65 KM
Posisi penyiapan ruas KPBU KA Makassar- Parepare MAKASSAR – PARE PARE RAILWAY PROJECT TIMELINE 2018 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT OCTOBER NOV DESEMBER ToR Compiling Preliminary Study Outline Business Case Market Sounding 1 Final Business Case Market Sounding 2 Determining Location Plan Agreement Other Agreement Market Confirmation Pre Qualification RfP Tender Process Bid Award Contract Signing Posisi penyiapan ruas KPBU KA Makassar- Parepare The position of preparing KPBU segment Makassar - Pare Pare Railway 4
06 THE COMPANY THAT PASS PRE QUALIFICATION PT LEN INDUSTRI KYERYONG-KORAIL-KRNA – Consortium PP-BK-CCCEI-IM Consortium PT China Harbour Indonesia Waskita- WTR Consortium Wika – IMS Consortium
PPP PILOT PROJECT KOMODO LABUAN BAJO AIRPORT Komodo Airport is an airport managed by Unit Penyelenggara Bandar Udara (UPBU) Ministry of Transportation One of the 10 Indonesia’s tourism destination Tourism potention located in West Manggarai regency
MAP OF KOMODO LABUAN BAJO AIRPORT Terletak di Koordinat 29’30,45"LS; 119⁰53‘38,68"BT, Manggarai Barat Nusa Tenggara Timur From operational, Komodo Airport still loss 1 APBN expense of Komodo Airport exceeding Rp. 16,2 Milyar/Year 2 3 IMPORTANT ISSUE OF KOMODO AIRPORT Airport Services 1 Airport – Related Services 2 Activity that have potential to be cooperated For KPBU scheme needs support and guarantee from the government 13
KOMODO, LABUAN BAJO AIRPORT PROJECT TIMELINE 2018 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULIY AUGUST SEPT OCTOBER NOV DESEMBER ToR Compiling Preliminary Study Outline Business Case Market Sounding 1 Final Business Case Market Sounding 2 RfP Tender Process Bid Award Contract Signing Pre Qualification The position of preparing KPBU for Komodo Labuan Bajo Airport 4
PPP PILOT PROJECT TOD PORIS PLAWAD Poris Pelawad Bus Station is an A type terminal located in Tangerang that consist of city transportation (Angkot) and Bus that connecting intercity province (AKDP) and connecting to intercity and inter-province (AKAP), there are also Transjakarta and Trans-Tangerang Buses Batu Ceper Station have strategic role, whether KRL that connect Jabodetabek and even Airport KRL LRT development plan that connects Tangerang City to South Tangerang City.
Unsolicited Process of ToD Poris Plawad PT Mina Transindo Totabuan have delivered a Letter of Intent accompanied with OBC Document to Head of BPTJ as prospective initiator Auction Process Project Placement as Business Entity Initiator and giving compensation ToD Poris Plawad After adjustment continued with FBC Document OBC has been evaluated and should do an adjustment Prospective Initiator have been delivered a Letter of Intent accompanied with OBC
The position of preparing KPBU ToD Poris Plawad TIMELINE OF TOD PORIS PLAWAD 2018 JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT OCTOBER NOV DESEMBER Team Forming Letter of Intent Technical Review Economic/Fin Review Final Business Case OBC Evaluation Agreement Letter PII Guarantee Unsolicited Determination Giving Compensation Pre Qualification RfP Tender Process Bid Award Contract Signing The position of preparing KPBU ToD Poris Plawad 4
PPP PILOT PROJECT BPLJSKB BEKASI Development Plan of Proving Ground BPLJSKB as one of the effort to complete the UNECE standard as preparation guidelines of standard compiling test expediency vehicle in Indonesia
preparing KPBU Proving PROVING GROUND BPLJSKB 2018 TIMELINE PROJCET JAN FEB MARECH ARPIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT OCT NOV DESEMBER KPBU Team Forming Preliminary Study Public Consultation DIPA Revision OBC Consultant Auction OBC Study Market Sounding FBC Study Submission of Guarantee/ DUK Government Business Entity Auction Contract Signing The position of preparing KPBU Proving Ground BPLJSKB 4
PROVING GROUND BPLJSKB TIMELINE PROJECT 2019 JAN FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST Submission of Guarantee/DUK Government Business Entity Auction Contract Signing 4
CENTER FOR PARTNERSHIP FACILITATION AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION kemenhub151 @Kemenhub151 @Kemenhub151 © Copyright @Kemenhub151 CENTER FOR PARTNERSHIP FACILITATION AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION Ministry of Transportation Gedung Cipta lt 7, Jl Medan Merdeka Barat 8 N0. 8, Jakarta Pusat 10110 Tlp : +6213504601 Fax : +621 3504601