Review process in 2009 Status of reporting under NECD (2008) and CLRTAP (2009) Katarina Mareckova, Robert Wankmueller, Michael Gager TEFIP / EIONET meeting 11 May 2009, Vienna
Review process 2009 The process is important to improve quality (completeness, consistency, comparability and transparency) of reported data Methods and procedures for the technical review of air pollutant emission inventories reported under the Convention and its protocols (EB.AIR/GE.I/2007/16) Joint activity of EMEP centres, EEA and Parties 3 stages
Stage 1 and 2 Stage 1 - automated tests, Country reports posted on the web by 15 March Stage 2 - S&A country reports planed for 31 May Summary results: Inventory review 2009 – 15 July 2009
NECD reporting (status as of 5 May 2009) All EU MS reported inventories, 19 MS on time HU – not submitted 2005 inventory 8 resubmissions Projections: FR, AT – not submitted in 2008 Mixture of formats
Reporting of inventories under the CLRTAP Timeliness: 41 submissions (from 51 Parties), 26 Parties within deadline Formats: 40 NFR (mix of NFR02, NFR04 and NFR08) , 2 flat files, 12 other formats 24 IIRs, 17 resubmissions Only 17 Parties reported AD New templates: Projections - 12, Gridded data -2; LPS -3 Parties Old templates: Projections - 8, Gridded data -3; LPS -3 Parties
Review Stage 3 Centralized review of quantitative and qualitative information of selected inventories by pollutant, country or sector, as in the work plan agreed by the EMEP Executive Body Roster of experts Only 11 Parties nominated experts (41 experts ) Expertise not balanced (lack of Waste and Energy experts) 2008 4 Parties volunteered to be reviewed: France, Norway, Portugal, Sweden Process delayed while not all experts and Parties delivered on time 3 reports finalised and posted on the CEIP web Centralized review of quantitative and qualitative information of selected inventories Joint responsibility (set up in review guidelines Annex III) EMEP SB set up (legal) frame for the process (and approve the summary reports) Parties; nominate and support expert reviewers and volunteer for review UNECE secretariat ; communicate with the Parties and with CEIP maintain roster of experts TFEIP panel on Review; develop relevant documents Review Guidelines Guidance for reviewers, Templates,… CEIP technical support of review process EEA volunteered to provide facilities and technical support Expert review teams (ERT), review the inventories and compile review reports (within 6 weeks after the review) Country Review reports will be posted on the web (Dec 2009?) and summary results reported to EMEP SB (Sept 2009?).
Stage 3 in 2009 Centralised review is planed for 22-26 Jun 2009 in Copenhagen (cooperation with EEA ) Plan 2009: 10 Parties to be reviewed Submitted inventory and IIRs is precondition Parties have to nominate contact points for the review and be prepared to answer questions before and during the review week proposed by CEIP and by EMEP EB Bureau
Stage 3 in 2009 cont. 2 expert review teams (19 experts invited) Team: LR+ generalist + 8 sectoral experts Main task of experts: Review the inventory and complete transcripts and relevant chapters Preparatory work and follow up activities Guidance for reviewers, transcripts and templates for review reports CEIP: Technical support of ERT Communication with Parties Invitations sent out by CEIP by 5 May
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