US Army / Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Center COIN/SO/SFA Monthly Integration Meeting Date: 14 JAN 10 30-Nov-18
Agenda Purpose COINSOC Update COIN (Past/Future) Engagements Update 30-Nov-18 Agenda Purpose COINSOC Update Election Update w/Ed Carr Interagency SME COINSOC COIN (Past/Future) Engagements Update COIN, SO, SFA COP Updates / Way Ahead Participant requirements for COIN/SO/SFA Director Comments COE
To update leaders on COIN education, training, and best practices 30-Nov-18 Purpose To update leaders on COIN education, training, and best practices Serve as a collaborative forum to synchronize Army Campaign Plan and TRADOC Campaign Plan Decision Point efforts relative to Stability Operations and Security Force Assistance
COINSOC Placeholder
SO COP Current Actions Completed a priorities list for SO actions for this year. Focusing on Leader Development and Training tasks and initiatives. Working with 10th Mtn Div on an interagency pilot program to bring in civilians into the division HQ in the pre-deployment train up. On going research on tools for field use: KU, JADOCS, etc Way Ahead Expect more webcasts and blogs on SO Knowledge connector between academia and field
SFA COP Current Actions Way Ahead DAMO-SSO SFA VTC with Army Stakeholders, 12 Jan: LTC Clark RAND SFA Study Out-brief, 15 Jan: LTC Clark COIN assessment of Thai Army Forces: LTC Barber Participating in the AWFC assessment of SFA: LTC Clark Maintaining DP140 & 143 (ACP 8-6) situational awareness, both DPs are in March: LTC Brady/LTC Clark Developing Way-Ahead plan: LTCs Clark/Barber Way Ahead
COIN COP Current Actions COIN Center is Co-Sponsor of Tribal Dynamics Conf/W Small Wars Journal 8-9 Feb Quantico Webcast on 29 Jan “Pashtun Tribal Dynamics” (Mike Weltsch) Kazakhstan Staff College PfP COIN Conf (27 Feb – 6 Mar) For Next DCO, DARPA will be giving a presentation on COIN metrics at the Bde and Bn Level. DARPA will be looking for feedback from the COIN Community of Interest As of 12 Jan 10
RFIs or requirements for COIN/SO/SFA RFIs or requirements for CFEs 30-Nov-18 Questions? RFIs or requirements for COIN/SO/SFA RFIs or requirements for CFEs Any other questions
30-Nov-18 Director Comments
Next DCO is scheduled for 25 FEB 10; 1000 CST 30-Nov-18 Next DCO Next Webcast is scheduled for 29 JAN 10; 1000 CST; Pashtun Tribal Dynamics Next DCO is scheduled for 25 FEB 10; 1000 CST