OHSMS IN CHINA Speaker: Liangma Quality Assurance Center(QAC) of China Association for quality 11/30/2018
Topic-- OHSMS IN CHINA Background Standard developing of OHSMS Accreditation administration of OHSMS. Certification bodies of OHSMS. OHSMS Auditors Illustration 11/30/2018
section 1-background Regard earlier In 1995, ministry of labor send delegate to the ISO/OHS special workgroup. In 1996 Chinese delegation attended international seminar by ISO, they spoke China’s opinion. Researching BS8800:1996 by COSHA (CSSTLP: in the past) 11/30/2018
section 2-standard 1. Petrochina company industry standard:1997 2. OHSMS specification and guidelines :1998 --translated BS8800 to Chinese -- by CSSTLP (China Society of Science &Technology of Labor Protection) 11/30/2018
section 2-standard 3. commendatory Standard --OHSMS :1999 --by State Economic and Trade Commission of China -- translate OHSAS 18001 to Chinese -- great influence: earlier OHSMS certification --later, becoming a formal National Standard 11/30/2018
section 2-standard 4. formal National Standard(GB/T28001) OHSMS specification :in 2001 --by General Administration of Quality Supervision , Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China -- combined with OHSMS implement experience , retranslated OHSAS18001 to Chinese. -- OHSMS certification began formally 11/30/2018
Administration of China safety work before 1998, Ministry of labor was led under State Department After 1999, State administration of work safety was led under State Economic and Trade Commission of China State administration of Work Safety is integrated administration ,except build safety. 11/30/2018
section 3- accreditation organization Before 2002 OHSMS directive Commission of China is founded by Economic and Trade Commission of China Two departments: certification and accreditation --auditor and training accreditation --accreditation board for certifiers three management systems (ISO9001/ISO14001/OHSMS) were supervised by three State administrations. 11/30/2018
section 3- accreditation organization after 2002 three accreditation administrations were recombined to one. CNCA: China national certification accreditation administration Two commissions : CNAT: China national auditor and training accreditation board CNAB: China national accreditation board for certifiers 11/30/2018
Law--certification registration regulation:2002 It is a first rule in certification area. Every year, they checked auditing information of every body with scheduled or nonscheduled time. 11/30/2018
section4--OHSMS certification bodies In 2001, 7 bodies In 2002~03, improved 18 bodies, in 2003, 43 bodies, all bodies reorganize 11/30/2018
Audit methodology ISO/IEC Guide 66:1996 Criteria:CNAB-AC42:2002 Audit procedure : audit on-site (stage 1 /stage 2) 11/30/2018
certificate number Up to June of 2004, about 4000 certificates 11/30/2018
nature of organization manufacturing and service: different complexity catagory construction Chemicals Non-metallic processing and products machinery Electrical and electronic equipment Transport and distribution – by land Mining Estate company Variety services :hotel /tourism etc. 11/30/2018
section 5-Amount of OHSMS Auditors Grades: --Practice Auditor --OHSMS Auditor --senior OHSMS Auditor 11/30/2018
Illustration (QAC) largest impartial third-party organization in certification area started OHSMS operation in 2001 Certificates number of OHSMS: 300 11/30/2018
QAC-- Audit procedure 1 Acceptance application for OHSMS certification 2 Arrangement audit: time, selection auditors 3 Performance audit: audit on-site (stage 1 /stage 2) 4 Decision of certification 5 Issuing certificate 6 surveillance and reassessment procedures 11/30/2018
Distribution of valid certificates in China mainland of QAC 11/30/2018
OHSMS Certificate Model Quality Assurance Centre of China Association for Quality CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPATION HEALTH & SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Certificate No. 00604S1R0LMS This is to certify that the OHSMS of Co., Ltd. Address:No. Road, City, Province, People’s Republic of China Post Code: is in conformity with GB/T28001-2001 The OHSMS applies in the following area: Located in (Address) (Co., Ltd). is engaged in (Scope)and the Related Occupation Health & Safety Activities. Term of validity of this certificate from:th..200 to th..200 Quality Assurance Centre Representative: Huang Jinfu of China Association General Manager for Quality (QAC) Issue Date: th..200 11/30/2018
Thank you very much! 11/30/2018