Social Library Project Utica Public Library Project contains 3 main plans, project plan, marketing plan, assessment plan. Presentation to include main highlights of each. Responsible parties-James and Joshua as project managers Budget- $575, time, staff Plan to incorporate 6 new social media sites over 8 weeks, photosharing- flickr, video sharing-youtube, myspace- target teens, IM aggregator, blog, wiki. Social Library Project
Social Library Project Goals Increase awareness of the library and its services with teens and throughout the rest of the community. Interact with users and potential users through social networking sites. Provide remote access to information and information sharing. Display to users that the library is a modern, flexible and ever growing institution and that it is user focused and committed to fulfilling user information wants and needs. Goals designed around library’s mission and target audiences- extend reach of library deeper into community to reach more people than ever.
Social Library Project Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats SWOT analysis. Strengths, opportunity for staff involvement, allow users to feel connected, competetive edge for library, low cost, lost maintenance, easy access. Weaknesses- time of start up, low filter for comments. Opportunities- new friends, new patrons, connections w/ other libraries and librarians, LEARN MORE ABOUT USERS. Threats- inappropriate use by users, viruses on computers, low staff motivation.
Social Library Project Outcomes The library will see an increasing population of users on the social networking sites. Users will provide feedback to the library through the social networking sites. Users will be able to use the tools to access reference services and databases. New users and current users remain dedicated to the library. Outcomes measurable through later assessments Feedback important because it is instantaneous- more accurate representation of how users feel
Marketing Plan Target Audiences (External) Current library users/adults Non-users Students International community members Non-users of the library- 2 categories, those who have social media experience, those who have no computer access Students- middle through college- opportunity to complement resources already in use through schools Internal Audiences of Marketing plan- board/executives for funding and support, librarians and staff for participation, volunteers
Marketing Plan Bring the library to the community and into the future Key Messages Friend the library and open up a new world of information Learn and grow with the library by friending us now! Bring the library to the community and into the future Explained who these messages target, also gave a few others. Plan includes a different key message to be directed at each target audience.
Marketing Plan Flyers & Posters Brochures & Bookmarks News Story Radio PSA Social Media Word of Mouth Have included 2 flyers/posters, also brochure that can be bookmark. Can use bookmarks as a useable reference, pull tabs on flyers, links and web addresses on public access computer wallpapers and screen savers
Assessment Plan Methods and Tools for Evidence Collection Counting Surveys Polls Analytics Observation Each outcome includes its own assessment plan. Each plan lists methods and alternative methods for evidence collection. These are some that will be used. Also, incorporated some features from Joomla because the library uses Joomla as its web host. Make use of the tools that you already have (Joomla now offers a Google analytics plug in, etc)
Assessment Plan Assessment based around a 6 month assessment cycle Constantly changing Information wants and needs different for each user Impact rubric for success measurement Measures indicators by percentages Ranks success in form of Beginning, Progressing, and Exemplary
Social Library Project Summary The Social Library Project will become a means of bringing the library out into the community it works to serve. The project will help the library expand its ability to fulfill its mission by providing access to the sum of knowledge to an ever increasing and changing user population. The project will also help to modernize the library and to give it new life in an increasingly technological world. This is positioning statement included in the marketing plan.