Chapter 11 The Prison Experience
Learning Objectives Discuss the “inmate code” and talk about where the values of the prison subculture come from. Be familiar with the prison economy. Explain the different types of prison violence. Discuss what can be done about prison violence.
Learning Objective 1 Discuss the “inmate code” and talk about where the values of the prison subculture come from.
Inmate Code A set of rules of conduct that reflect the values and norms of the prison social system and help define for inmates the image of the model prisoner. Don’t interfere with inmate interests Don’t quarrel with fellow inmates Don’t exploit inmates Don’t trust the guards or the things they stand for The prison subculture decides what types of roles inmates play in prison and the extent to which they conform to those roles.
Prisonization The process by which a new inmate absorbs the customs of prison society and learns to adapt to the environment. Short sentence, continuation of contacts with the outside, a stable personality, and refusal to become part of the group weaken prisonization. A big issue surrounding prisoners is one of deprivation versus importation. Deprivation-Much of the prison subculture stems from aspects of life of which inmates are deprived. Importation- Aspects of life inmates bring with them into prison.
Norms and Values Convict society organized along racial, ethnic, and age lines. Many inmates conform to subculture even though their own values run contrary to the inmate code.
Adaptive Roles Four basic role orientations: Doing time Gleaning Cost of doing business Gleaning Better themselves Jailing Construct life within prison Disorganized criminal Those who cannot develop other three
Learning Objective 2 Be familiar with the prison economy.
Prison Economy Prisons have a commissary or store Informal underground economy is major element of prison life Goods and services unique to prison can take on exaggerated importance Reinforces norms and role of the social system Certain positions enhance opportunities Lockdowns can disrupt the economy Underground inmate “stores” are also common in prison society providing prisoners with contraband they couldn’t necessarily find elsewhere
Learning Objective 3 Explain the different types of prison violence.
Prisoner-Prisoner Violence Rate is 28 attacks per 1,000 inmates Each year 34,000 prisoners are attacked by other inmates High homicide and suicide rates exist within the prison subculture
Prisoner-Prisoner Violence Prison gangs Also known as security threat groups Linked to acts of violence in most prison systems Tightly organized Typically divided across racial/ethnic lines Prison administrators use variety of strategies to weaken gang influence: Identifying members Segregating housing Restricting gang symbols Strip searches Monitoring mail and telephones
Table 11.1 Characteristics of major prison gangs
Prisoner-Prisoner Violence Protective custody: 6,000 state prisoners in protective custody Known as Special Management Inmates Life not pleasant, limited opportunities Prison rape September 4, 2003 – Prison Rape Elimination Act Perpetrators tend to be Male Black (49%) or White (39%) Involve a single victim 96% of the time
Prison Rape Victims: Male Under age of 40 Also: Most frequently posses one or more of the following characteristics: First-time, nonviolent offenders Convicted of a crime against a minor Physically weak Viewed as effeminate Not affiliated with a gang Believed to have “snitched”
Prisoner-Officer Violence Occurs in specific situations and against certain individuals Yearly, inmates assault approximately 18,000 prison staff members Inmates often manage to find weapons which contribute to these attacks Officer’s greatest fear is unexpected attacks After attack, officers transferred to tower duty
Officer-Prisoner Violence Many guards view physical force as an everyday, legitimate procedure. Goon squads Worse case in California Officers authorized to use force to enforce prison rules and to uphold discipline and prevent escapes. At times it is difficult to separate whether or not force by officers is necessary.
Learning Objective 4 Discuss what can be done about prison violence.
Decreasing Prison Violence Architecture and size: New generation institutions Small housing units Clear sight lines Security corridors Relationship between prison crowding and violence is unclear. The Megaprisons (3,000 or more inmates) appear to facilitate greater rates of crime.
Decreasing Prison Violence The role of management: Improve classification Create opportunities for fearful inmates Increase size, racial diversity, and training for custody force Redesign facilities Surveillance Install grievance mechanisms Augment reward system Stricter unit management