Careers in Forensic Psychology Researcher Careers in Forensic Psychology
From any field! Forensic research can be from any field Such as Psychology, Law, Criminology, Sociology, Anthropology, Communication, Neuroscience, etc. Can be from any discipline within Psychology Social, Cognitive, Clinical, Counseling, Developmental, Experimental, Neuropsychology, Gerontology, etc.
What in common? What defines a “Forensic Researcher” is the topic of the research pertains to legal field legal trial (criminal, civil) people in trial (jury, judge, witnesses, defendants), special populations (criminals, elderly, children, addicts, etc) public policy What defines a “Forensic Researcher” is the goal of the research Understand. Predict. Control. Change 3
Where do they work? University Think-tank Government Any place that has money $ for research Research is long-term investment without guarantee pay-off or guaranteed change 4
What degree required? Ph.D. 5
Questions? 6