Strand 1: Employability and Professionalism TAP1
Employability A set of achievements, understandings and personal attributes that make individuals more likely to gain employment and to be successful in their chosen occupations.
Professionalism Being a professional in your chosen field means much more than wearing a suit and tie or possessing a college degree and a noted title. Professionalism also has to do with how you conduct yourself during your business affairs. True professionals possess a number of important characteristics that can apply to virtually any type of business. Appearance Demeanor Reliability Competence Ethics Poise Organization Accountability Respect
Skills/Attributes Appearance Demeanor Reliability A professional is neat in appearance. Be sure to meet or even exceed the requirements of your school’s dress code. Demeanor Your demeanor should exude confidence but not cockiness. Be polite and well-spoken whether you're interacting with students, administrators or parents. You need to keep your calm, even during tense situations. Reliability As a professional, you will be counted on to find a way to get the job done. Responding to people promptly and following through on promises in a timely manner is also important, as this demonstrates reliability.
Skills/Attributes Competence Ethics Maintaining Your Poise Professionals strive to become experts in their field, which sets them apart from the rest of the pack. This can mean continuing your education by taking courses, attending seminars and attaining any related professional endorsements. Ethics Professionals such as teachers and administrators must adhere to a strict code of ethics. You should display ethical behavior at all times. Maintaining Your Poise A professional must maintain his/her poise even when facing a difficult situation. For example, if a colleague, student or parent treats you in a belligerent manner, you should not resort to the same type of behavior.
Skills/Attributes Respect Accountability Organizational Skills Professionals exhibit respect in all situations. Educators should be respectful of others viewpoints and beliefs. Accountability Professionals are accountable for their actions at all times. If you make a mistake, own up to it and try to fix it if possible. Don't try to place the blame on a colleague. Organizational Skills A professional can quickly and easily find what is needed. Your work area should be neat and organized.
Time Management Techniques Create “To Do” lists. Prioritize. Control & minimize interruptions. Take action against procrastination! If important, JUST DO IT! Daily planners ARE A MUST!
Goal Setting Specific Measurable Accountability Realistic Timely Types Short-term- Daily+ Intermediate- Monthly+ Long-term- Yearly+ Characteristics - (Be “S.M.A.R.T.”) Goals are only meaningful if Specific Write down EXACTLY what is to be done. For accurate feedback, goals must be Measurable (this monitors the progress). Ensure Accountability to individuals responsible for the task. Goal be challenging but Realistic. Make Timely deadlines toward achievement. Specific Measurable Accountability Realistic Timely
Professional Written Documents Email 1. Include a clear, direct subject line. 2. Use a professional email address. 3. Think twice before hitting 'reply all.' 4. Include a signature block. 5. Use professional salutations. 6. Use exclamation points sparingly. 7. Be cautious with humor. 8. Know that people from different cultures speak and write differently. 9. Reply to your emails — even if the email wasn't intended for you. 10. Proofread every message. 11. Add the email address last. 12. Double-check that you've selected the correct recipient. 13. Keep your fonts classic. 14. Keep tabs on your tone. 15. Nothing is confidential — so write accordingly.
Professional Written Documents Application Most business have a standard application form Requiring basic personal information: Name, address, phone number, brief work history, education and references Write neatly and legibly
Professional Written Documents Resume A document you create to highlight yourself, including: Personal information Skills Work experience Education Activities Honors/awards One page in length
Professional Written Documents Cover Letter Used when mailing a resume to a prospective employer A brief, one page letter that introduces you to the employer Explains why are applying for the job Opportunity to present info not included in your resume
Professional Written Documents Thank you Following the interview, send a letter or note thanking the interviewer. Good time to mention anything that you may have forgotten to say in the interview.