Tenure is awarded when the candidate successfully demonstrates meritorious performance in teaching, research/scholarly/creative accomplishment and service. Academic units and the library are responsible for establishing standards of excellence in teaching, research/scholarship/creative work and service for use in decisions regarding tenure, as well as promotion and merit.
Beginning with full-time appointment to the rank of instructor or above, the probationary period for a faculty member shall not exceed six years, including within this period credit granted for appropriate full- time service in all institutions of higher education.
Faculty fulfilling a six-year or five-year probationary period must be reviewed in the third year of probationary service. Faculty fulfilling a four-year or three-year probationary period must be reviewed in the second year of probationary service. A candidate must apply for tenure in the final year of probationary service
Table of Contents Current Vitae All Annual Faculty Activity Reports (FARs) All Pre-Tenure Reviews All Administrative Evaluations Other Materials Required by the Academic Unit
Promotion is awarded according to established procedures after an appropriate period on the basis of meritorious performance in teaching, research/scholarly/creative accomplishment and service. To be promoted to the rank of associate professor, an individual must demonstrate excellence in teaching, and excellence in either research/scholarly/creative accomplishments or in service. At least satisfactory performance must be demonstrated in the other category. Excellence in one category will not compensate for poor performance in any of the other categories.
To apply for the rank of associate professor, an individual should have held the rank of assistant professor for at least three years at SFA. The portfolio shall document all years in service at SFA at the rank of assistant professor.
The applicant is responsible for developing and submitting to the academic unit chair/director a portfolio of supporting materials. If the individual is also applying for tenure, only one portfolio for both processes should be submitted. The portfolio should demonstrate how the candidate meets or exceeds the promotion criteria.
The portfolio should consist of relevant supporting materials, including: A Table of Contents Current Vitae All Annual Faculty Activity Reports Annual Administrative Evaluations Documentation of the Following:
Teaching Effectiveness, e.g., summaries of student evaluations, teaching awards, peer evaluations, innovative teaching approaches Research/Scholarly/Creative Accomplishments, e.g., publications, research/creative projects, photographs of artworks, finished pieces of work University-Related Service, e.g., committee responsibilities, leadership roles assumed at department, college, and university levels
Contributions to the Profession, e.g., memberships in professional organizations, offices held, other leadership roles General Community Service related to the profession, e.g., presentations and activities that enhance the professional discipline
In its Tenure/Promotion Policy the Academic Department/Unit Defines: Meritorious Excellence Satisfactory Poor
Monitors Faculty Performance Promotion/Tenure Tracking Committee May Include Classroom Observations May Require Portfolio Every Year