Section 7: Positive-Term Series
The Integral Test Suppose f is a continuous, positive, decreasing function and let an = f(n):
The Integral Test * If is convergent, Then is convergent. * If is divergent, Then is divergent.
Ex 1: Test the series for convergence or divergence.
P-Series Test: * The p-series is convergent if p >1 and divergent if p 1.
Ex 2: Determine whether the series converges or diverges. A) B)
The Direct Comparison Test Suppose an 0, bn 0, and an ≤ bn for all n:
The Direct Comparison Test * If is convergent, Then is convergent. * If is divergent, Then is divergent.
Ex 3: Determine whether the series converges or diverges. A) B)
Ex 3: Determine whether the series converges or diverges. C)
The Limit Comparison Test Suppose an 0 and bn 0 for all n:
The Limit Comparison Test * If exists and is both positive and finite, then and either both converge or both diverge.
Ex 4: Determine whether the series converges or diverges. A) B)
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