The Industrial Revolution
Agricultural Improvements Enclosure Movement Jehtro Tull Crop Rotation Livestock Breeding
Enclosure Movement Individual farms bought up by wealthy landowners Rented back out to tenant farmers Enclosed land with a fence or hedge More willing to try new agricultural techniques
Jethro Tull Seed Drill 1721
This is not the correct Jethro Tull
Crop Rotation 3 field No Fallow field Cereals, Legumes, Roots (turnips) Viscount Charles “Turnip” Townshend
Breeding Robert Bakewell Increase size and quality of livestock Scientific Breeding
Population Increase in Europe 1750-1850 European Population Doubles New Farming Methods Medical Advances Better Living Conditions People Living Longer Married Sooner
Advantages of Britain Rich in water power, coal and iron ore Island- trade, fleets Scientific Innovation encouraged (religion) Good Banking Political stability