MAR Chart Service Process Overview
New Service User New Service User (in receipt of council funded care aged 18 and over) Notification of request for service received by pharmacy Enter all details onto Patient Registration Module on PharmOutcomes.
Existing Service User Existing Service User (in receipt of council funded care aged 18 and over) Enter all available information on Patient Registration Module on PharmOutcomes. NB all existing service users will be reviewed by their care provider over a 12 month period and a new completed notification of request for service form should be received. Once this is received complete remaining detail in POs
Service User (Patient) Registration
Both New & Existing Service Users Annotate PMR that this patient requires a MAR Chart Supply MAR charts as per service specification using Pharmacist professional judgement Enter on PharmOutcomes ‘Pharmacist Claim’ section (If it is the first time a MAR Chart has been supplied under this service for both new and existing patients tick yes in the POs module)
If a Service User Leaves If a service user leaves the pharmacy service for any reason complete MAR Discontinuation module on PharmOutcomes
Record Keeping It would be good practice to keep a register of your MAR Chart patients so you can cross reference your claims processed through PharmOutcomes.