Punctuation Use for pages 68 & 69
Punctuation Punctuation marks are symbols that are used in sentences and phrases to make the meaning clearer.
Apostrophe to show possession of a noun to show the omission of letters I can’t see the cat’s tail.
Colon A colon is used before a list or quote. A colon is used to separate hours and minutes. There are many punctuation marks: period, comma, colon, and others. The time is 2:15
Comma A comma is used to separate phrases or items in a list. She bought milk, eggs, and bread.
Dash A dash is used to separate parts of a sentence.
Exclamation Point An exclamation point is used to show excitement or emphasis. It is cold!
Parentheses Parentheses are curved lines used to separate explanations or qualifying statements within a sentence.
Period To show that a sentence has ended To show that an abbreviation has ended As a decimal point I see the house.
Question Mark A question mark is used at the end of a question. When are we going?
Quotation Marks Quotation marks are used at the beginning and end of a phrase to show that it is being written exactly as it was originally said or written. She said, "Let's eat."
Semicolon To combine two closely related complete sentences which are not joined by a conjunction. To separate complete sentences that are joined by a conjunctive adverb. Class was canceled today; Mr. Smith was home sick.
Hyphen Use to create compound words or when writing numbers twenty-one to ninety-nine and fractions (five-eighths, one-fourth).
Ellipsis Use when you're quoting material and you want to omit some words.