Discussing the Chairs Role in the Promotion and Tenure Process: P&T Process Overview Annual Evaluation Mid-Tenure 3 rd year Review Chairs Recommendation.


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Presentation transcript:

Discussing the Chairs Role in the Promotion and Tenure Process: P&T Process Overview Annual Evaluation Mid-Tenure 3 rd year Review Chairs Recommendation Letter & Part II form External Evaluators Resources

Mandatory tenure review usually starts in year 5, completed in year 6 (Early P&T consideration may be requested) Early Fall year 5: Begin candidate portfolio development & external evaluator selection process, Campus P&T Info Sessions Spring year 5: Campus Electronic Portfolio Workshops Mid-Spring: External Evaluator Disclosure forms due for Provost review and approval Late Spring year 5: Candidate submits portfolio to Deans office to begin mandatory review process Summer year 5: External reviews Fall year 6: Unit-level reviews (Chair, Dept/Unit P&T Committees, Dean) Early Spring year 6: Campus P&T Committee & Provost reviews Late Spring year 6: Chancellor Decision & Notification to Candidate September 1 year 7: Effective date of Tenure & Promotion –or- Terminal year

Deans notification to Mandatory Faculty occurs in early Fall instead of late Spring Deans call for voluntary Promotion to full Professor occurs in early Fall instead of late Spring Portfolio preparation begins in early Fall Campus P&T Info Sessions moved to early Fall instead of early Spring External Evaluator Form preparation begins in early Fall instead of mid- Spring External Evaluator Forms are due to Provost for review and approval March 15 instead of May 15 Electronic Portfolios now required; no more hard-copy portfolios Electronic Portfolio Workshops occur mid-Spring to assist faculty in creating the electronic portfolio; one-on-one E-Portfolio instruction provided to individual faculty upon request Arrange large file document storage on MoSpace by early March to reduce overall electronic portfolio size (limited to 1GB) P&T Coordinators Group monthly meetings: Unit P&T personnel meet with Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs to discuss P&T issues & updates year-round

Current Department P&T Guidelines, Campus, and System P&T Policies are delivered to candidate in Offer LetterDepartment P&T Guidelines Faculty have choice of utilizing either the guidelines in effect at the time of hire –or- the current guidelines when they present for Mandatory P&T Review; Discuss differences with probationary faculty at time of revision and note each faculty members choice in their P&T file Revision to Department Guidelines are made by Department/Unit faculty body; requires Provost review and approval Are your Department P&T Guidelines out of date on Provosts website? Send the current document to (always include revision

For assistant professors early promotion and tenure requires exceptional justification. In all cases, evidence of early productivity at UMKC must be exceptionally strong. Should be agreement at all levels within the unit that the candidate has a good chance of success for early consideration.

Is the candidate ready? Is the candidate already performing at the Professor level? Has the candidate met all the departmental requirements for professor?

Annual Reviews Annual Reviews Schedule Annual Evaluations to meet the various due notice requirements (See CRR Section F.2.)Annual Evaluations notice requirements CRR Section F.2. Present in writing and discuss with faculty member Address progress toward promotion and tenure in addition to annual performance review Address any deficiencies in writing Establish development plan to improve deficiencies Monitor plan progress throughout the year Specifically address progress made toward previous years development plan goals Refer to CRR Procedures for Review of Faculty PerformanceCRR Procedures for Review of Faculty Performance Evaluator Tools available under Evaluation and Review on the Faculty Affairs website: info.umkc.edu/facultyaffairsEvaluation and Reviewinfo.umkc.edu/facultyaffairs

Refer to Provosts Mid-Tenure Review Policy Guidelines and Departmental/Unit Mid-Tenure Review policyProvosts Mid-Tenure Review Policy Guidelines Generally held in 3 rd year of 6-year probationary period (adjusted for shorter probationary periods) Structured like established procedures for P&T review (minus the external evaluator and campus reviews) Many units require Portfolio presentation Includes both Chair and Department/Unit P&T Committee participation Refer to Third Year Review of Tenure-Track Faculty Members availableThird Year Review of Tenure-Track Faculty Members on the Faculty Affairs website: info.umkc.edu/facultyaffairsinfo.umkc.edu/facultyaffairs

Purpose In-depth assessment of faculty members progress toward promotion and tenure Inform faculty member of assessment outcome and steps necessary to improve prospects for promotion and tenure Inform Dean of assessment outcome Following the Mid-Tenure Review, Chair/Committee informs Dean of the assessment and makes one of the following recommendations: To reappoint on a regular term appointment Not to reappoint See CRR (Section F) for additional details on decisions not to reappoint. A Terminal Year will follow notification of non-renewal of regular term appointments where the terminal year is the third, or subsequent, year of service at the University.CRR

Refer to CRR Extension of Probationary Period for Faculty on Regular Term Appointment CRR Extension of Probationary Period for Faculty on Regular Term Appointment Must be approved by the Chancellor; follow request procedures outline on the P&T websites Extension to Tenure Clock tabP&T websiteExtension to Tenure Clock Although Extensions to the Probationary Tenure Clock due to FMLA-approved Medical Leave are automatically approved according to CRR Faculty Leave Policy, the candidate and Dept/unit must complete the entire Extension Request Process to officially document the facultys approved Extension to the Tenure Clock.CRR Faculty Leave Policy Extensions shall have no adverse effect on the tenure decision Extensions may be granted for faculty members who encounter circumstances which substantially interrupt their ability to make progress toward tenure.

Chair/Supervisor completes Part II FormPart II Form Required for every Candidate Summary of Candidates accomplishments from the supervisors perspective Can include Recommendation in Summary section of Part II Form in lieu of formal letter –or- include formal Recommendation letter (signed, letterhead) in addition to completed Part II Form Part II Form and any additional letter of recommendation from Chair must be delivered to Candidate for review and opportunity for appeal to the next level of review.

PART TWO To be completed by the Department Chair/Division Director. This document should be accompanied by a copy of the candidates third year review if this is assistant professor seeking tenure. Name of Candidate: Recommendation (Rank advancement and/or tenure): Rank:From __________________________to_________________________________ Is tenure being recommended at this time? A. Educational background B.Evaluation of Teaching Appraisal of teaching ability (Refer to and include evidence, such as student questionnaires, peer evaluations, awards, etc.) Appraisal of candidates activity in student advising. Other evaluative comments. C.Research and Other Scholarly or Creative Activities Evaluation of the candidates scholarly ability (support with evidence) and an assessment of the candidates potential for further scholarly work. Other evaluative comments. D. Service E. Additional Comments _____________________________________ Name and title Signature _____________________________________ Date

The Chairs Recommendation should address the following in addition to the standard information required in the Part II Form: Discuss Candidates accomplishments relative to the Department/Unit Guidelines (explain any discrepancies or allowances) Address External Evaluator (and any other unit-level recommendations that occur prior to the Chairs review) recommendations/comments, especially negative or dissenting opinions Never reveal identifying characteristics of External reviewers (name, institution) in your recommendation; keep references anonymous to preserve confidentiality. Explain how teaching is evaluated in your unit and provide context for teaching scores (never provide raw data evaluation forms, only summary sheets) Clearly state your recommendation (you either DO or DO NOT recommend promotion and tenure) Substantiate your recommendation Be Honest! Chairs Recommendation Letter and completed Part II Form will be distributed to Candidate for review with opportunity to rebutt, and will be placed in portfolio for consideration by all additional levels of review

Refer to the External Evaluator Disclosure Form and Instructions, Notes on the Promotion & Tenure Process 2009 for additional information External Evaluator Disclosure FormInstructionsNotes on the Promotion & Tenure Process 2009External Evaluator Disclosure FormInstructionsNotes on the Promotion & Tenure Process 2009 CRR requires 3 letters of external evaluation; Provost prefers 4-6 external evaluator letters in each Candidates portfolio Candidate and Chair should each provide 5 external evaluator names, for a target list of 10 names Prefer full tenured Professors from institutions comparable or better than UMKC Provide name, title, rank, tenure status, institution, and contact information on form Allow Candidate to disclose relationships on all names listed on form (including those supplied by the Chair), then both parties sign the form and submit to Deans Office for Provost approval Use the Relationship field to provide additional justification and explanation for the inclusion of external evaluators with any sort of previous relationship to the Candidate Work with Deans Office and/or Dr. Medeiros if you have questions Target equal balance of letters in portfolio from Candidate & Chairs suggested external reviewers

CRR (UM P&T Regulations) CRR Chancellor's Memorandum #35 (UMKC) Chancellor's Memorandum #35 Department/Unit Guidelines P&T Calendars UMKC Portfolio Instructions UMKC P&T Form Part 1 (Candidate) UMKC P&T Form Part 1 UMKC P&T Form Part 2 (Chair) UMKC P&T Form Part 2 External Evaluator Approval Form (Both) External Evaluator Approval Form

See the provost website: For P&T calendar, portfolio instructions, forms, and policies.calendarportfolio instructions forms, and policies Effective September 2011 all P&T portfolios must be electronic. Must use university approved templateuniversity approved template Requires Adobe Pro software version 10+ (available for purchase ($61/seat) through Info Services or for free via UMKC Remote Labs)Adobe Pro software version 10+ Info ServicesUMKC Remote Labs