JRC comments and questions in advance EVS1411-501 GM EVS GTR IWG Session #14 Ottawa, September 2017
Relevant to other topics Document Title Author EVS1411-501 Flammability, toxicity and corrosiveness of vented gas Galen Ressler General Motors Company Comment – Thank you for the analysis presented and the reference to two relevant document sources. We are reviewing these documents. We have also found other relevant documents such as the works below: Comparison of the fire consequences of an electric vehicle and an internal combustion engine vehicle International Conference on Fires In Vehicles - FIVE 2012, Chicago, United States, Chicago, United States, 2012; pp 183-194. Larsson, F.; Andersson, P.; Blomqvist, P.; Lorén, A.; Mellander, B. E., Journal of Power Sources 2014, 271, 414-420. Andersson, P.; Blomqvist, P.; Lorén, A.; Larsson, F. Investigation of fire emissions from Li-ion batteries; 2013.