Decay Data Evaluation Project Working group meeting Paris, 8 – 10 October, 2012 Marie-Martine Bé, Charlène Bisch, Christophe Dulieu, Mark Kellett, Xavier Mougeot CEA/LIST, LNE-LNHB
DDEP WG Sessions: 1st: Saclay (LNHB) from March 6 to 10, 2006, 17 participants from 10 institutes attented, 2nd: Bucharest (IFIN-HH) from May 12 to 14, 2008, 22 participants from 10 institutes attented, 3rd: Madrid (CIEMAT) from June 9 to 11, 2010, 24 participants from 13 institutes attented, 4th: Paris (LNE-LNHB) from October 8 to 10, 2012, 21 participants from 15 institutes.
Scientific programme The main points of the programme are: Information about several international collaborations Status on atomic data measurements and evaluations Calculations and measurements of beta spectra DDEP, specific items: software, review procedure, etc. Evaluation techniques, data analysis and treatment etc. If you have questions or specific problems you want to discuss, please ask us.
Information ND 2013 – New York - March 4, 8 ICRM 2013 – Antwerp, Belgium – June 17, 21 dedicated decay data session deadline for abstract submission: October, 31
Thank you for attending this meeting Thank you for your contribution to the Decay Data Evaluation Project Have a good stay in Paris!