A search for meaning in our lives…… Romanticism Web Quest A search for meaning in our lives……
Instructions Answer each question in complete sentences. (There are 5 total questions.) Use your own words and do not copy directly from the source. Submit each portion on the due-date to receive full credit. If you are absent, you are responsible for making up the required slides on your own time.
Slide 1--American Romantic Movement 1800-1865 Question 1: What were some of the main beliefs of the writers, artists and thinkers of the Romantic Age? List and explain 8 that you find most interesting. http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/cs6/rom.html http://www.westga.edu/~mmcfar/AMERICAN%20ROMANTICISM%20overview.htm
Slide 2-Differences between the Age of Enlightenment and the Romantic Age Question 2: In your own words, write a list of 10 of the most significant differences between the two periods. Be sure to look up any words that you do not understand. (Make two columns. “Age of Enlightenment” and “Romantic Age.” You may use phrases instead of complete sentences for this question.) Age of Enlightenment Romantic Age --People care more --People care more about about logic and reason emotions and feelings than than they do about they do about logic and reason emotions and feelings. http://www.stockton.edu/~fergusoc/romantic/romantic.htm Important: Scroll down to “American Romanticism” for this link. http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/lecture16a.html
Slide 3—Famous American Romantics Question 3—Who were the most famous American Romantic Era writers? Find three American Romantic writers and for each writer describe/summarize his/her style and main contributions in 3-5 sentences. http://montanaacademy.tripod.com/index.html (Authors are listed on the left navigation bar) http://classiclit.about.com/od/americanliteratur/American_Romantics_American_Literature_Romantic_Period.htm
Slide 4--Art in the Romantic Era Question 4--What were some of the major characteristics of Romantic paintings? After looking at the paintings on these websites, find patterns or similarities in what and how these artists paint. In a well-developed paragraph, write about your observations about Romantic tendencies in art; ie. Subject matter, use of color, style, space, shape and balance, movement and rhythm. Be sure to support your claims with details from individual paintings; in other words, reference painting titles and use very specific details to illustrate your point. http://facstaff.uww.edu/carlberj/romart.htm The Basic of Romantic Art | The Art of Manliness http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/roma/hd_roma.htm
Slide 5--Music of the Romantic Era Question 5-- You will need to use headphones for this section. Listen to several compositions, listening for patterns, traits, similarities, etc., in the pieces. Then, write a paragraph in which you describe two-three characteristics of Romantic music. Please use specific details and refer to the individual pieces to support your points. http://www.mostlywind.co.uk/romantic.html http://www.ehow.com/about_5432013_characteristics-romantic-music.html http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/hum_303/romantic.html