(Roundtable discussion) Peace Education Camp (Roundtable discussion) Presenter: Tamar Lolishvili Online guest from Korea: Crystal Kim 2018
Watch a video about Georgian- Korean PEACE EDUCATION CAMP 2018 Define peace education and its values Discuss the importance of this project Share future project ideas Set future goals
“You must be the change that you wish to see.” (Mahatma Gandhi) What does this mean to you? If you wish to see peace on earth, what must you do to promote that as a teacher? Be specific in your answer. What will you do TODAY to start this process of change?
How do I support this quotation? I am an educator and I know that education is the only solution for peace. How do I support this quotation?
What are the of peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and peace education programs in your community?
What is Peace Education? The process of promoting the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to bring about behavior changes that will enable children, youth[s] and adults to prevent conflict and violence, both overt and structural; to resolve conflict peacefully; and to create the conditions conducive to peace, whether at an intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, national or international level. (Fountain, 1999: 1) Although peace education is highly contextual and often tailored to specific settings or regions, the underlying goal is the same - peace is peace, no matter where you are.
What are key principles of Peace Education What are key principles of Peace Education? (=What Should teachers consider?) A learning environment where both teacher and students teach and learn from one another through dialogues Combining academic study with practical application towards societal transformation Analyzing issues in a holistic way that accounts for the past, present, and future, and includes the personal, local and global levels Promoting values such as compassion, understanding , love , equality, interdependence, diversity, sustainability and nonviolence
What is the purpose of Peace Education Camp? to develop and practice peace education skills between groups, national or worldwide, to stimulate further discussion and networking among IEARN group members, to move towards a clearer articulation of good practice in peace education, to pave the way for further exploration of how best to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of this area.
What should be taught in Peace Education? All actions are made according to that person’s ideology and values. Actions and the following results all depend on values and ideology.
Peace made in the classroom and families by students, will bear fruit to world peace.
Peace Education Camp Once the children start to share their feelings and experiences, they can start to explore more peaceful scenarios. Camps like these can ensure children to be part of the solution. They wish to see their activity means something to others. In that spirit, many seek out places where they find the kinds of experiences where they can nurture that. Indeed, they may seek out such places because they want to be a part of building a better way to be and a better place to live.
What experiences should the project frame? Peace Education Camp should frame: experiences, experiences facilitate learning, learning can serve as a means to an end, and one important end, most definitely, is peace. What experiences should the project frame?
All we are saying is give the future a chance for Peace Education Camp All we are saying is give the future a chance for Peace Education Camp. HOW?
What kinds of activities should be considered? Engaging and enjoyable community activities with people from around the world, Walking in the shoes of others and structured opportunities to be challenged and reflect on the experience, programs may very well facilitate peace-related ways of thinking and ways of being in ways not possible elsewhere. This is important given the importance of peace, young people’s longing to matter and their desire to become active agents in the world they would like to be a part of.
How can we(teachers) overcome? What are some of the challenges of implementing a Peace Education Camp? How can we(teachers) overcome?
An Online Guest from Korea Questions to our guest: How can one measure the effectiveness of Peace Education programs? What are practical methods of peace education? An Online Guest from Korea Crystal Kim, an English teacher from Seoul Korea a supporter of HWPL Peace Education HWPL is a non-profit, non-governmental organization with the goal of achieving world peace and cessation of war, officially registered with the UN Department of Public Information(DPI) and granted consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).