Peace Conferences Element: Explain the military and diplomatic negotiations between the leaders of Great Britain (Churchill), the Soviet Union (Stalin),


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Presentation transcript:

Peace Conferences Element: Explain the military and diplomatic negotiations between the leaders of Great Britain (Churchill), the Soviet Union (Stalin), and the United States (Roosevelt/Truman) from Teheran to Yalta and Potsdam and the impact on the nations of Eastern Europe. Vocabulary: Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt, Truman, Teheran, Yalta, Potsdam

Before the War ends During the closing years of the war the leaders of the Allied Powers met to determine what would be done once the war was won.

Tehran Conference Description: November 1943 Iran capital Stalin (Soviet Union) Churchill (England) FDR (U.S.)

Tehran Conference Impact: Agreed to an invasion of Europe came to be known as D-Day pinned Hitler in Europe and freed Paris

Stop and Think! Step One: On your own, jot down what was discussed at Teheran and the significance of those negotiations. Step Two: With your elbow partner, come up with a memory tool to remember the significance of Teheran. For example … “T is for Teheran and …” Be creative and be prepared to share 

Yalta Conference Description: February 1945 Ukraine known as Crimean conference defeat of Germany was obvious

Purpose of Yalta first purpose: to assure the defeat of Nazi Germany in the shortest period of time, with the least loss of life to the Allied side. second purpose: "to continue to build the foundation for an international accord which would bring order and security after the chaos of the war, and would give some assurance of lasting peace among the nations of the world.”

Yalta Declaration Soviet Union will get involved in Pacific theater after Germany’s defeat Stalin will allow free elections to be held in Eastern Europe USSR would retain land in Poland, and have special rights to certain islands and Chinese lands Soviet Union would receive half of the war reparations from Germany divide Germany into four zones administered by the Allied powers scheduled a conference in April at San Francisco to establish the creation of the United Nations

Stop and Think! Step One: On your own, write down what was discussed at Yalta and the significance of those negotiations. Step Two: With a different elbow partner, come up with a memory tool for the significance of Yalta. Be creative and be prepared to share your ideas 

Potsdam Conference

Potsdam Conference Description: July, 1945 Potsdam Germany Harry S. Truman (1884 – 1972) was the thirty-third President of the United States. as Vice President, succeeded to the office upon the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt

Potsdam Conference Impact: U.S. demanded free elections in European nations, and USSR refused set the stage for lasting distrust between U.S. and Soviet Union Reasserted “unconditional surrender” led President Truman to drop the atomic bomb

Stop and Think! Step One: Step Two: On your own, write down the significance of the negotiations at Potsdam Step Two: With an elbow partner, come up with a memory took for the Potsdam Conference. Be creative and prepared to share 

Warsaw Pact Soviet response to U.S. NATO provided for the mutual defense of Eastern Europe

So … what does all of this lead to? THE COLD WAR Where can we see evidence of the Cold War in our lives today? Video Clip