Meeting summary Licia Florio Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration Licia Florio AARC Project Coordinator Presenter affiliation AARC All Hands Meeting 21-23 Nov 2017, Amsterdam
Summary and Actions Training: Hand out docs to identify three key priorities for the training team: 12 answers Most wanted: Policy related training SP use-cases Next steps to agree contents and deadlines
Feedbacks obtained Topics with higher preferences EPOS (03.2018) ASAP mid 2018
Learning gap scoping (subset) – Policy Focus the goals and expected results of training What do we want to achieve? (course learning goals) For who this course is? What the format should be (f2f, online, etc)? What are the manageable chunks of the course? (course main arguments)
Policy Work Milestones due MNA3.3 (M9) was discovered by the group Hannah and David are looking for volunteers to test the Incident Response Test Model for Organizations: IdPs; FedOps; eduGAIN support platform – What ? Participate in test, email based Talk to Uros if you need updates on GDPR for your infrastructure Data Protection, Impact statements ( risk analysis), GDPR compliance - Work with Uros, Dave talked about the Policy Development Kit: Alignment of AUPs (Security Activity highlighted alignment of AUP as top priority) Inputs from as many r-infras as possible David and team to arrange an infoshare in Dec on policy areas that would benefit from additional effort
Architecture Level of assurance – How to support the additional assurance profiles AARC creates? David G to register new profiles in IANA, after AEGIS endorses them Should the proxy in the BPA process the assurance information received by IdPs and send something different to the SPs? Nicolas to get the right people and discuss if AARC recommends BPA proxies to repackage assurance information. Davide presented the combined assurance. There was a discussion on how to consume the info in the matrix presented by Davide. All e-infras should process the combined assurance in the same way. Refresher at the next meeting MFA two activities: Holistic approach to elevation of identity assurance – Marcus to be ready by the end of AARC. Step up authN via MFA –Marcus to finish this before Christmas.
Pilots See Arnout’s slides
Next Events TIIME – in feb for those interested There will also be a FIM4R meeting Comage dev workshop – 2nd week of Feb, in SURFnet Considering co-locating AARC plugfeest too AARC f2f in Greece – April 2018 Final date to be confirmed