Lincoln Unit Final Review Key Points of Information Final Exam—Monday Feb. 1st—80 point test Multiple Choice—Matching—True or False—Fill in the blank and short answer questions Make sure you have your reading done! Books due at test time!
Key things to look over: What to Study: Key things to look over: List of Important names Notes from class Movie study guide Background notes Study guides over Lincoln material
Some Key Items: Date of Shooting Kidnap plots—2 known. Main conspirators and duties—6, then 7th added. Plot turns to murder—final four Main “fringe” conspirators—(Mrs. Surratt, Mudd, Spangler, Peanut, others?) Dreams/Images—3 talked about. 2 kidnap attempts Guards—2 main guards. Chase and Capture of Booth—remember map passed out. Look over some of the study guides…
More Study Items: Final 4 conspirators? Special traits of each conspirator Link between Johnson and Booth? When Booth plans to strike—reasons why he chose that moment—what time were attacks scheduled for? Key Lincoln sons discussed in our book and stories General outline of Booth’s escape route—start to finish. Scene at the theater, hours that followed the shooting—how does Washington organize? What do we know of John Parker? Lincoln and the Cabinet meeting.