Human dependence Practice questions Human
What is a watershed?
What is a watershed? Is any area of land that water flows across or through
Where is the water going?
Where is the water going? Downhill of course
What does a watershed flow towards?
What does a watershed flow towards? flows toward a common body of water, such as a stream, river, lake or coast
What does steep land do to water?
What does steep land do to water? Steep land makes water run off in fast- moving creeks and rushing rivers
What does flat land do to water?
What does flat land do to water? Flat land allows water to collect into lakes, ponds and swamps.
What kind of ground is porous?
What kind of ground is porous? Loose ground (like gravel or sand)
What does porous mean?
What does porous mean? Means it has lots of little gaps that water can easily sink into.
What do we call water that sinks into the ground?
What do we call water that sinks into the ground? Ground water
What is an aquifer?
What is an aquifer? An underground water supply