Welcome to English II Ms. Tucker
Name tents First take out a sheet of paper and fold it in half (hamburger if you have a short first name, hotdog if you have a long first name). Write your first name large enough to see from across the room on the front of your tent.
Name tents On the inside write your first and last name. Then write three adjectives you would use to describe yourself (one of your three adjectives must start with the initial of your first name (for example my name is Lashonda which starts with an L so I would describe myself as loving). The last thing you will include inside of your name tent is something interesting you did over the summer (for example: I was the maid of honor at my twin sisters' wedding). Everyone will go around and state their name and either the adjectives listed or what they did over the summer.
Coming into the class… Quietly come into the classroom. We no longer use tardy cards, so if you are late, I will mark you tardy in Focus. Discipline will handle your referral. Use the first two minutes to take care of any house items: sharpen your pencil, get your supplies, and have a seat. Get started on Bellwork and WOD (you will only have seven minutes to complete Bellwork and WOD.)
Bellwork Everyday you come in, Bellwork will be on the TV display. All bellwork will go in your spiral notebook. I will collect bellwork check one after the tenth entry. After bellwork check one, the other checks will be random. Below is an example of how to complete your bellwork: L. Tucker English II 1st period 8/13 Bellwork Check #1 Entry #1 8/13 Prompt: How was you summer?
WOD (Word of the Day) Everyday you come in, the WOD will be displayed on the TV underneath the bellwork. The WOD’s will be grouped by letters. We will start with the “A” words. You will have ten “A” words, and then we will move on to “B” words. Once we reach all ten words, you will be tested on that group of words. On the day that we test, I will collect your group of words for a grade. Your tests will be in Schoology. I have an example of how I would like for you to write out your WOD’s.
Agenda The agenda and the date will always be displayed on the board. You will also notice an area entitled WIN. WIN stands for What I Need. Everyday next to the agenda, I will have what you need for the day displayed on the board. Please make sure you use WIN so you know which materials to grab within the first two minutes of class.
Classwork Please make sure that you write your name, subject, period, and date in the right hand corner of your paper. If I come across a paper without a name on it, I will just throw it away! I do not think it is fair for me to have to try and figure out who the missing paper belongs to. ***If you like it, then you should have put your name on it!****
Notebook Check Every quarter you will have a notebook check. The notebook check consists of ten items that we have done together as a class. The items in the notebook check are usually notes and background papers. You will know that an item is a part of the notebook check because I will tell you to put a number at the top of that page. I will have a list of the items in the notebook check on the board. You will also be able to find the list on my class website. The notebook check will be worth 100 points!
Where are the books??? There is a black file cabinet located in the back of the room by the door. Please make sure that you are picking up the right textbook because I teach more than one grade level. The Close Readers and the Performance Assessments can be found in the file cabinet as well.
Bathroom Every quarter you will get three bathroom passes. Once you use all of your bathroom passes, you may no longer use the restroom during my class. You can earn an extra bathroom pass through participation points. If you would like to use the restroom, please raise your hand and ask me. It is never okay to just get up, fill out the log, and leave! Once I give you permission to use the restroom, please go to the back of the classroom and fill out the bathroom log. Please write your name, the date, the time you left the classroom, and the number of times you have been out. Once the log has been filled out, grab the bathroom pass, and precede to the bathroom. If you are gone longer than seven minutes, I will write you a referral. Once you have returned to class, please write the time you returned on the log, put my pass back, and have a seat.
Participation Points Participation points are a way for you to earn extra incentives in my class. You can earn participation points by sharing and reading in class. Everyday I will take a tally of your points on my clipboard. During the last five minutes of class, I will tell you your points for the day. It is your responsibility to write down your points next to that day’s date in your Bellwork spiral. I will not tell you your total points, you will need to keep track of them yourself. Participation point breakdown: 50 points= additional bathroom pass (you may use only one of these per quarter.) 75 points= a bag or box of candy. 100 points= Free assignment (this excludes: writing assignments, unit tests, and projects!)
Cell Phones You may not use your cells phones in class, unless I have authorized you to do so. We will only use cell phones for educational purposes. You will use your cell phones to access Schoology, Webnet, the online textbook, my website, and other technology driven, educational tools. If you use your phone or an electronic device without my permission, I will take that item, and you will not get it back until the end of the day. I will not give you a warning, this is your first warning! If you are caught for a second time, you will receive a referral for your infraction.
Classroom Rules and Procedures Go over the rules and procedures located in the front of the classroom.
The Class Website www.tuckerl.weebly.com