Evaluating health promotion Intervention Jenny Braithwaite
Learning outcomes Reflect on the meaning of evaluation and its importance in health promotion /public health practice Analyse different approaches/designs to evaluating interventions Examine the challenges which may impact on evaluation of practice intervention
Sources/further reading Downie R et al (1991) Health Promotion Models and Values. Oxford, Oxford University Press Green, J., Tones, K. (2010) Health Promotion: Planning and Strategies (2 nd. Edition) London: Sage Health Knowledge; Evaluation of health promotion, public health or public policy interventions: Principles and Practice of Health Promotion: Health Promotion Evaluation and Effectiveness. Available health-textbook/disease-causation-diagnosis. Accessed health-textbook/disease-causation-diagnosis. Accessed 27/10/11 Hubley, J; Copeman, J. (2008) Practical Health Promotion. Cambridge: Polity Lazenbatt, A. (2002) The Evaluation Handbook for Health Professionals. London: Routledge Naidoo J, Wills J (2009) Foundations for Health Promotion. London. Bailliere Tindall.
Sources/further reading NICE (2007) Public Health Guidance 6: Behaviour Change, Quick Reference Guide 5. Available Qvretveit J, (1998) Evaluating Health Interventions. Buckingham, Open University Press. Scott D, Weston R (1998) Valuing Health Promotion. Cheltenham. Stanley Thornes (Pub.) Ltd. Roberts, K; Cavill, N; Rutter, H. (2009) Standard Evaluation Framework for weight management intervention. Online: National Obesity Observatory/NHS. Accessed Thorogood, M.; Coombs, Y. (Eds) (2004) Evaluating Health Promotion: Practice and Methods. (2 nd ) Oxford: Oxford University Press Themessl-Huber, M; Lazenbatt, A; Taylor, J. (2008) Overcoming health inequalities: a participative evaluation framework fit for the task. The Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health. Available accessed 27/10/11 Wilson, F.; Mabhala, M. Eds) (2009) Key Concepts in Public Health. London: Sage Jb/evalhpHVadaptedOct 12