Notes: Position and Time


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Presentation transcript:

Notes: Position and Time

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Position and Time Notes Table of Contents: Title, Date, Page Number T= 0s T= 1s

Describing Motion: Position and Time Position: Where an object is located relative to the origin of a coordinate system. Distance in meters What is the runner’s position?

Describing Motion: Position and Time Time: Time in physics is defined by its measurement: time is what a clock reads. Measured in seconds. T = 0 s T = 3 s Distance in meters What is the runner’s position at 3 seconds?

Describing Motion: Position and Time Distance: Distance is a quantity that refers to how much ground an object has covered during its motion. Measured in meters. T = 0 s T = 3 s Distance in meters What distance did the runner run in 3 seconds?

Describing Motion: Position and Time Direction: the course along which someone or something moves relative to the origin of a coordinate system. Direction can be positive or negative. What is the runner’s direction?

Describing Motion: Position and Time Displacement: is an object's overall change in position. Displacement can be positive or negative. T=0s T=10s T=5s Initial Position Final Position What is the dinosaur’s displacement? (final – initial)

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