OVERVIEW ODS Graphics SGPLOT overview Plot Content High value plot statements High value plot options Plot Axes Plot types Legends Automatic differentiation of visual attributes Fit policy for axis tick values, Curve labels and Data labels Marker fills and outlines Text Inset, reference line Annotation Saving output Examples
SGPLOT OVERVIEW The SGPLOT procedure creates one or more plots and overlays them on a single set of axes. SGPLOT procedure can be used to create statistical graphics such as histograms and regression plots, in addition to simple graphics such as scatter plots and line plots. Statements and options enable us to control the appearance of graph and add additional features such as legends and reference lines
SGPLOT CONTENTS The following four basic types of plot can be created with SGPLOT procedure ; 1. Basic plots i. Scatter ii. Series iii. Step iv. Band v. Needle vi. Vector, etc 2. Fit and Confidence plots i. Loess ii. Regression iii. Penalized B spline curves iv. Ellipses
SGPLOT CONTENTS The following four basic types of plot can be created with SGPLOT procedure ; 3. Distribution plots i. Boxplot ii. Histogram iii. Normal density estimates iv. Kernel density estimates 4. Categorization plots i. Dot plot ii. Bar chart iii. Line plot