Promotion needs to take place both inside and outside your club Gain points for your club
Winning club at April 30, 2012 receives a set of The Successful Club Series
Produce a club newsletter 5 Premiership Points per edition (max 10 editions)
Have guests at you club meeting 1 Premiership Point per guest (must sign Visitors Book)
Convert that guest to a member 10 Premiership Points
Create a Club Website 20 Premiership Points
Update your club website (Max 10 updates) 5 Premiership Points
Create a Club facebook page 5 Premiership Points
facebook a club event 5 Premiership Points per event (max 10 events)
Create a club Twitter account 5 Premiership Points
Tweet a club event 5 Premiership Points per Tweet (max 10 events)
Toastmaster mags in library/surgery 10 Premiership Points
Bookmarks in local library or book store 10 Premiership Points
Stall in Shopping Centre or at a Fair 20 Premiership Points
Flyer Drop (min 2000) 25 Premiership Points
Article in local newspaper 25 Premiership Points
Radio Interview 30 Premiership Points
Article in a West Australian newspaper 40 Premiership Points
Television Interview 50 Premiership Points
Your own creative promotion 20 Premiership Points
Proof must be sent to me before April 30, 2012
A Premiership Table will be on the District 17 Website
Will your club be Positive Promotion Premiers?