Below you’ll find five multiple choice question formats with these unique features: Question Timer - Both 30 and 60 second timer provided Click on the Correct Answer text – A voice confirming that your answer is correct plays, and the text begins to flash. Correct answers provided from A through E Incorrect Answer - A voice confirming that your answer is incorrect plays, and the text fades out. Add questions by clicking in the appropriate box and begin typing. Slide instructions found in notes section of each slide Use these question formats within your presentation to engage your audience.
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Enter your question here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION with 5 choices. E is correct. Comes with a 30 and 60 second timer which can be deleted if desired. Uses: Interject questions throughout your presentation to make the presentation fun, interactive and engaging. Divide your audience into teams( 2 – 6 teams). Use this program’s built-in scoreboard to tally team/player scores. To Edit: While in Edit Mode, click on the text within the slide text boxes and begin typing. After entering your question, place the correct answer in the box that reads “Enter the correct answer here.” and incorrect responses in the remaining boxes. In Slideshow Mode, click on an answer. If correct, a voice will announce the correct response and the box will flash. If incorrect, a voice will announce the incorrect response, and the answer box will darken. Place this slide strategically within your presentation or use this program’s slide navigation buttons to access this and other slides from any other slide within your presentation. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Enter the correct answer here. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 6
Enter your question here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION with 5 choices. D is correct. Comes with a 30 and 60 second timer which can be deleted if desired. Uses: Interject questions throughout your presentation to make the presentation fun, interactive and engaging. Divide your audience into teams( 2 – 6 teams). Use this program’s built-in scoreboard to tally team/player scores. To Edit: While in Edit Mode, click on the text within the slide text boxes and begin typing. After entering your question, place the correct answer in the box that reads “Enter the correct answer here.” and incorrect responses in the remaining boxes. In Slideshow Mode, click on an answer. If correct, a voice will announce the correct response and the box will flash. If incorrect, a voice will announce the incorrect response, and the answer box will darken. Place this slide strategically within your presentation or use this program’s slide navigation buttons to access this and other slides from any other slide within your presentation. Enter the correct answer here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 7
Enter your question here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Enter the correct answer here. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION with 5 choices. C is correct. Comes with a 30 and 60 second timer which can be deleted if desired. Uses: Interject questions throughout your presentation to make the presentation fun, interactive and engaging. Divide your audience into teams( 2 – 6 teams). Use this program’s built-in scoreboard to tally team/player scores. To Edit: While in Edit Mode, click on the text within the slide text boxes and begin typing. After entering your question, place the correct answer in the box that reads “Enter the correct answer here.” and incorrect responses in the remaining boxes. In Slideshow Mode, click on an answer. If correct, a voice will announce the correct response and the box will flash. If incorrect, a voice will announce the incorrect response, and the answer box will darken. Place this slide strategically within your presentation or use this program’s slide navigation buttons to access this and other slides from any other slide within your presentation. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 8
Enter your question here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Enter the correct answer here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION with 5 choices. B is correct. Comes with a 30 and 60 second timer which can be deleted if desired. Uses: Interject questions throughout your presentation to make the presentation fun, interactive and engaging. Divide your audience into teams( 2 – 6 teams). Use this program’s built-in scoreboard to tally team/player scores. To Edit: While in Edit Mode, click on the text within the slide text boxes and begin typing. After entering your question, place the correct answer in the box that reads “Enter the correct answer here.” and incorrect responses in the remaining boxes. In Slideshow Mode, click on an answer. If correct, a voice will announce the correct response and the box will flash. If incorrect, a voice will announce the incorrect response, and the answer box will darken. Place this slide strategically within your presentation or use this program’s slide navigation buttons to access this and other slides from any other slide within your presentation. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 9
Enter your question here. Enter the correct answer here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION with 5 choices. A is correct. Comes with a 30 and 60 second timer which can be deleted if desired. Uses: Interject questions throughout your presentation to make the presentation fun, interactive and engaging. Divide your audience into teams( 2 – 6 teams). Use this program’s built-in scoreboard to tally team/player scores. To Edit: While in Edit Mode, click on the text within the slide text boxes and begin typing. After entering your question, place the correct answer in the box that reads “Enter the correct answer here.” and incorrect responses in the remaining boxes. In Slideshow Mode, click on an answer. If correct, a voice will announce the correct response and the box will flash. If incorrect, a voice will announce the incorrect response, and the answer box will darken. Place this slide strategically within your presentation or use this program’s slide navigation buttons to access this and other slides from any other slide within your presentation. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Enter a possible but incorrect answer here. Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc. 10