Bioethics 101 *If you have not read Dennis’ Decision, read it NOW!* Day 3
Goals Identify an ethical question Define stakeholders and their values Apply ethical principals to a specific ethical question
Identifying the Ethical Question What are the main principals of ethics involved in Dennis’ Decision? Respect for Persons? Maximizing Benefits/Minimizing Harm? Justice? What should the ethical question be for Dennis’ case?
Facts and Questions Get into a group with your card number. Write down relevant facts from the case AND any questions you still have on Student Handout 3.3 (facts, values, and stakeholders)
Stakeholders Stakeholders are individuals/institutions that have a stake in the outcome. Brainstorm a list of stakeholders (don’t write them down just yet)
Our Stakeholders Dennis His biological parents His aunt His doctors Ace, 5 2, 6 3, 7 4, 8
Stakeholders and Values Look at your values definition table (in the packet) Values signify what is important to a person Influenced by many things What does your stakeholder value? What are their concerns? What do they care about?
Stakeholders If your stakeholder alone were to make the decision, what would you choose? Are there any principals of bioethics that support your position? Prepare a one minute statement for the class from the perspective of your stakeholder.
Goals Identify an ethical question Define stakeholders and their values Apply ethical principals to a specific ethical question