Dental Laboratory Technology Total Enrollment by Race, 2001-02 to 2015-16 (1 of 2) White Black/African American Hispanic/ Latino American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Two or More Races Unknown Nonresident Alien 2001-02 325 113 96 1 102 NA 94 2002-03 366 114 84 82 108 2003-04 411 132 32 2004-05 363 118 66 8 142 20 2005-06 332 95 93 116 17 2006-07 297 75 99 90 2007-08 304 89 98 3 120 67 2008-09 272 86 2 110 2009-10 300 81 122 92 2010-11 307 107 6 12 78 4 Source: American Dental Association, Survey Center, Surveys of Allied Dental Education
Dental Laboratory Technology Total Enrollment by Race, 2001-02 to 2015-16 (2 of 2) White Black/African American Hispanic/ Latino American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Two or More Races Unknown Nonresident Alien 2011-12 285 110 102 5 76 4 9 2 2012-13 216 93 95 3 73 1 10 204 2013-14 255 84 99 61 7 16 2014-15 173 70 107 64 11 94 12 2015-16 155 83 13 108 Source: American Dental Association, Survey Center, Surveys of Allied Dental Education