LSS 2113 - Intercultural Studies Film Assessment Stephen Trinder Fatima Yousif Al Khouri - H00293038 Section 23
Individualism and collectivism In this scene, Todd enters a crowded train and the boy, out of respect, stood up for him to let him sit and then sat on his lap. This image shows a strong close personal relationships and a strong sense of insiders and outsiders. In the boy’s point of view, there’s nothing wrong with sitting on someone’s laps because the Indian’s are more collectivist. But in Todd’s point of view, who lives in a high individualistic culture, he finds it awkward that a stranger is sitting on his lap in public. The USA has a score of 91 in Individualism. While, India has a score of 48.
Individualism and collectivism In this scene, Todd was continuously taking the food from the dish it’s self and using his left hand to eat. The other scene, is when the lady put too much sugar in his cup, this shows the different tastes people have in India compared to other countries. There is a cultural clash here because in India it is considered unclean to eat with your left hand, it is used for something else. And it is disrespectful to continuously pick up the food from the dish using your hands. There is a difference in taste among people living in different cultures. Since Todd lives in a high individualistic culture he is more engaged with the modern industry or urbanization. On the other hand, Indians, a collectivist society, are more strict with traditional rules and customs. Therefore, Todd does not follow the tradition and does what he wants to do, which has a negative impact with the Indians. The USA has a score of 91 in Individualism. While, India has a score of 48, a strong collectivist society.
Masculinity vs Femininity This is the scene when Puro was shocked from what Todd said. He told Asha that when he’s gone she will be Puro’s assistant manager. Puro was shocked when he heard Todd say, “After I leave, Puro’s gonna need an assistant manager.” Puro confusingly replied, “You think she can do it?” In the Indian culture women do not do men’s job compared to the US culture. In Todd’s point of view, women are free to do what they want and they have the ability to do men’s job. India has scored 56 in Masculinity while USA scored 62. (Hofstede, 2016)
Individualism & Collectivism In this scene, Puro asks Todd if he misses his parents since he’s overseas and away from them, but Todd says that he rarely meets them even though they’re so close and barely misses them. In Puro’s point of view, living with your family is traditionally important to the indian culture. A person could only be independent when he’s married and has his own family. However, in Todd’s point of view, he takes care of himself and is independent. He does not live with his family even though he’s not married and does not depend on his parents. Todd is self-oriented in which he is overly concerned with his own desires, needs, or interests. Todd is free to make his own decisions based on his own needs. Which clearly shows a high individualistic society The USA has a score of 91 in Individualism. Whilst, India has a score of 48.
Individualism & Collectivism In this scene, Todd doesn’t really know about the Indian culture. So, he tells Asha that she is a “free woman” and she could do anything she wants. But according to culture and tradition Asha’s under control by her parents. Her marriage life is planned and agreed by her family. Since Asha lives in a collectivism society, she has no choice but to respect and show absolute loyalty to her parents and family. The decisions are made based on what is best for the family. If Asha is seen hanging out with a man for any other reasons other than work, they will think that she is doing a shameful act due to the shame culture she is in. The USA has a score of 91 in Individualism. While, India has a score of 48, a high collectivist society.
Religion Long Term Orientation In those scenes above, Todd has experienced a culture clash . Where people in India have their own way of praying and worshipping. Todd mentions about the “burger brand” and how they used to brand their cows. According to the indian religion, cows are sacred and are forbidden to eat it. In their point of view, hearing that people “mark” their cows with a red hot iron is very painful and sad to hear. India has a score of 51 in the Long Term Orientation, which means that they dominate religious and philosophical thoughts and have a great tolerance for religious beliefs. However, United States has a score of 26, in which they have a very strong idea about what “good” and “evil” is and are prone to analyze new information to check whether it is true.
Reference Andrew. (N.D, N.D N.D). Hofstede: Individualism / Collectivism. Retrieved March 2, 2016, from Andrews. (N.D, N.D N.D). Hofstede: Long Term / Short Term. Retrieved March 2, 2016, from Andrews. (N.D, N.D N.D). Hofstede: Masculinity / Femininity. Retrieved March 2, 2016, from itim internation. (N.D, N.D N.D). Retrieved March 2, 2016, from The Hofstede Centre: