Chapter Membership and Promotion Presented by Alana Sunness Griffith, FCSI, CCPR, LM
One strategy /size does not fit all Big chapter? Small chapter? Mostly industry members? Mostly professional members? … more
The economy has changed our battle strategy, even for CSI memberships
Recruiting comes from the heart
1.Hi – Im the President 2.Take & share pictures 3.Invite Lois Lane 4.Do you really know everyone? 5.Is your website sexy? Alanas Top Ten List for Membership Growth
6.Writing post cards – saw your new business / promotion…. 7.Can you help us on a special task? 8.BOGO 9.Invite an office friend 10.Milk the cow through the fence Alanas Top Ten List for Membership Growth
Why did you join CSI? What pulled you into the chapter?