Food Glorious Food The Enormous Turnip Nursery Spring 1 – Week 1


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Presentation transcript:

Food Glorious Food The Enormous Turnip Nursery Spring 1 – Week 1 Expressive Arts and Design Our role play will be a fruit and veg market stall. The children will act out the different roles with their friends, learning to listen and respond to each other. On the creative table the children will be painting pictures of the story to go on our display board. Phonics The children will revisit Phase 1 in phonics. This week we will be playing lots of listening games. Communication & Language Literacy We will read through The Enormous Turnip story. The Children children will be encouraged to join in the parts that repeat. We will look at where the story is set and the main characters. Understanding The World We will be growing beans, talking about what the bean seeds need to grow and observing how they grow. Food Glorious Food The Enormous Turnip Nursery Spring 1 – Week 1 Mathematics This week the children will look at the different sizes of the characters and then put them in order of size from the tallest to the shortest using language tall, short, big, little The new children will be introduced to Ten Town, this is a magical place where numbers come alive and we find out about all the exciting people who live here. This week we are going to hear all about King One. Physical Development In PE we will carry on with our new PE scheme. This week we will be going into the Jungle were the children will learn how to adjust their speed and change direction. We will continue with our Dough Gym this week, this is where the children do different exercises to music to strengthen their fine motor and gross motor movements. On the Fine Motor table they will be Personal, Social, Emotional Development Our SEAL topic is – Going for Goals. In this unit children will think about what they could do when they were younger and what they can do now. They will be able to set themselves a goal to work towards, trying new activities and say what worked well. This week we will learn that to achieve a goal we have to keep on trying.

January 2018 Dear Parents, We hope you have had a lovely Christmas and we send you very best wishes for the new year. Thank you for the lovely gifts you gave to all the staff this Christmas. Our topic for the next half term is ‘Food Glorious Food’. We will be looking at The Enormous Turnip story, Healthy Food, The Little Red Hen story, Food from another country ‘Italy’, Chinese New Year and Pancake Day. Enclosed is the topic web for this week and we will be sending home a new topic web each week indicating the activities we will be doing. A new star will be sent home with your child this week . We have taken down the yellow stars from our display board and have put them into your child’s learning journey . As you will see we have also changed the colour. Please send the star back telling us about what your child has achieved in their learning at home.

On a Wednesday the children take part in SEAL work which stands for Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning. This half terms topic is Going for Goals in which the children work to achieve a goal set by us, it could be anything from putting on their coats independently, doing up their coats, counting to 10 or writing their name. On Wednesday, this week, we are looking at what we could do when we were babies and comparing it to what we can do now. To help with this we would like you to send in a photograph of your child as a baby. We will use the pictures in a display and then they will be sent back home. Please send the photographs in labelled with your child’s name on. Thank you Mrs Mayne, Miss Wheeldon, Mrs Boulton, Miss Pinson, Miss Dodd, Ms Wootton