Preparation for Adulthood SEN Code of Practice Section 8
Preparation for Adulthood is enabling children and young people to achieve their ambitions. Stand back and reflect as why we are in education. To make a difference For what? We are involved in the journey of children and young people as they strive to achieve their ambitions as grew into being an adult. A great majority of C&YP with SEND with the right support are able to find meaningful work, live independently and participate in their community.
Preparing for adulthood means preparing for: Employability – employment options, supported employment, self employment Independence – having choice, control and freedom over their lives, living arrangements and support Participating in society – having friends and supportive relationships. Being as healthy as possible in adult life.
Starting Early Ambitions should be encouraged from the start -understanding interests, strengths and motivations. This should be the basis of planning their support. Inclusion in Social groups, developing friendships, participating fully in life of school and community – NDTi Independence – including preparation for them making own decisions.
Year 9 Employability, Independent Living, Community Involvement and Health must be focus of EHCP reviews. Schools, academies and colleges have duty to provide independent careers advice from year 8. Ed Act 1997. Planning must be centred around their aspirations and abilities and what they want to do after Post 16 education/training.
Employability Independence Participating in society – having friends and supportive relationships. Health