European Forest Accounts – Data sources and compilation methods Marilise Wolf-Crowther, E.2 WG Forestry 20-21 FEB 2018
Sources identified by the 2018 EFA survey for the core tables Table A1, wooded land, 2 worksheets: physical and monetary Table A2, timber on wooded land, 2 worksheets: physical and monetary Table B1, economic aggregates of the forestry and logging industry, monetary, closely linked to national accounts, but with input from A1 and A2
Sources according to the 2018 EFA survey: A1 physical area data National forest inventory (all); Forestry statistics (UK, FI, SK) Land use surveys (DE, FI, SK) Agricultural census (DE) Statistics of protected forest areas (FI) Official forestry accounts (SK) Global Forest Resource Assessment country report (AT) Farm structure survey for "Other land with tree cover for wood supply" (AT)
Sources according to the 2018 EFA survey: A1 monetary area data Projection modelling of forest development and timber harvesting (WEHAM) (DE) German Forest Accountancy Data Network (FADN) Agricultural census (DE) Register of land transactions (FI) Unit prices for forest land prescribed by law (SK) Purchase agreements recorded in the register of land (AT) Data on the value of protective forests without yield (AT)
Sources according to the 2018 EFA survey: A2 physical timber data National forest inventory: stock of standing timber; net increment (all); Forestry statistics (CH, UK, NO, FI, SK) Agricultural census, key figures of short rotation plantations based on expert estimates (DE, AT) Projection modelling of forest development and timber harvesting (WEHAM) (DE) Official forestry accounts (SK) Global Forest Resource Assessment country report (AT) Surveys of forest industry (UK) Output of EFA: harvests in physical terms, including estimate of wood harvest for own consumption of private households (private small forest owners) (CH) Adjustments between harvest and mortality (between national forest inventory and forestry statistics) (CH)
Sources according to the 2018 EFA survey: A2 monetary timber data Economic data from public forests (CH) Timber price statistics (CH, NO, FI, SK) Timber prices in state forests (UK) Estimate of stumpage prices (UK, NO, AT, CH): Annual average producer prices of forestry products minus harvesting costs (according to results from the accountancy network of forest enterprises) as input to the estimation of stumpage price (AT) Harvesting costs from NFIs and a price index for these (CH) Producer prices minus harvesting costs, to estimate stumpage prices (CH) Available stumpage prices (FI, SK) Average annual market prices (FI) Accountancy network of forest enterprises (AT); German Forest Accountancy Data Network (FADN)
Sources according to the 2018 EFA survey: B1 economic data All of the previously mentioned sources, plus National accounts (CH, UK, DE, SE, NO, FI, CZ, PT, AT) VAT & public finances statistics (CH, AT) Data on subsidies (CH, CZ, SK, PT, AT) Estimates of roundwood use (UK) Business surveys; surveys of forest owners (UK, SE, CZ) Financial and administrative data on state forests (UK) Product data compiled according to the CPA (NO, CZ) Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire (UK, NO, SK) Annual survey on industrial production for wood and cork (PT) National employment survey, recalculated to annual work units (CH, DE, SE, PT) Farm structure survey (non-salaried labour input) (AT)
2018 EFA survey: the use of EFA at national level The correspondents from both Switzerland and Norway mention that they compile the official forest accounts of their country as input to national accounts of the NACE sector A02 In Switzerland, a bridge exists between EFA and Branch Account 02 Forestry, which is also the bridge to National Accounts
2018 EFA survey: summary and some advice The preceding lists of sources can help EFA correspondents identify possible sources in their countries Compiling EFA must be done in close co-operation with national accounts, otherwise usefulness is limited Switzerland: the statistical process is complex, and involves parallel, iterative and sequential processes. Monetary and physical aspects can be treated together or in sequence. Example: first step for output (harvest) is monetary for public forests, and physical for private forests. First step for standing timber stock is physical. etc... EFA-tables (dataset Eurostat) is one data output amongst many more, and this structure is not used for the basic compilation of EAF (branch 02 accounts) in Switzerland.
2018 EFA survey: the use of EFA at national level Additional methodology is offered by Switzerland: , see chapters 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, etc. See methodology (in French: page 70, figure 14 / in German: p.71, figure 14) In 2018, Eurostat will develop a template for an inventory of sources, methods and uses of EFA data, which will be pre-filled with the sources in this presentation. It will be sent to countries with a request to complete it
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