D. Seckel, Univ. of Delaware
Topics GZK neutrinos and UHECR spectrum (with TS) Model degeneracy of UHECR Simple scaling GZK-n calculations Thoughts on HE interactions (Many) Old Picture New considerations (Scales, LPM, dE/dX) Scaling dE/dX Photonuclear Pair Production LPM issues Line radiation e,m,t at PeV, EeV, ZeV
Degeneracy of UHECR models Flat spectrum, evolution, galactic contribution Steep spectrum, no evolution, no galaxy
Simple scaling of GZK Spectrum: (Ep)-(1+g) Evolution (1+z)m Matter dominated cosmology (1+z)-5/2 Spacing Dz = 0.5
Neutrinos break degeneracy a) Flat spectrum, evolution, galactic contribution b) Steep spectrum, no evolution, no galaxy c) Cutoffs, Lambda…
Radio Event Topology: Old Picture I 5% in 3 km salt
Radio Event Topology: Old Picture II
New Considerations (dE/dX)
Scaling of dE/dX
Photonuclear review I Comments From DRSS 10-6 = 3km salt s? y-distribution important
Photonuclear review II b ~ L/(L+mlep) <y> ~ L/(L+mlep) Growth with g due to growth in photon cross-section (QCD) with E
Pair Production From LKV b ~ 1/mlep <y> ~ me/mlep ? Quasi-continuous
Is reduction in seN-eNg sgN-Nee the whole story ? sgN (see S. Klein) LPM issues Is reduction in seN-eNg sgN-Nee the whole story ? sgN (see S. Klein) Convert energy to hadronic shower seN-eNX ,(1019 eV?), seN-eNee (1020 eV (lpm?))
Line radiation (just like SLAC salt stack !?) Showers vs radiation from a moving “charge” Coherence region along track Lumpy? L d
Expectations ne nm nt