An introduction to interscholastic athletics at Duxbury High School. Duxbury Athletics An introduction to interscholastic athletics at Duxbury High School.
Goals for Today Know where to find athletic information Know how to contact a coach Sign up for a fall sport (don’t worry if you sign up for wrong sport or don’t sign up at all) When do sports start for each season & What sports do we have at Duxbury High School Basic rules for student-athletes
Athletic Department Website Go to athletic department web page: Link to game schedules & other information Other information: student-athlete handbook, opening day information, schedules, and other information MIAA App for smart phones ALWAYS ASK QUESTIONS!
DHS Website
Athletic Department Website
Information for Fall Sports
Athletic Department Contact Information Thom Holdgate, Director of Athletics Athletic Department Phone: 781-934-7600 x6 Duxbury High School Main Office: 781-934-7650 Athletic Department e-mail: E-mail easiest form of communication I’m here all summer!
Earliest Possible Starting Dates for Sports Football – Fri. 8/17 Cheerleading – Mon. 8/20 All other fall sports – Thu. 8/23 Winter Sports – Mon. 11/26 Spring Sports – Mon. 3/18/19
Musts for Student-Athletes 1. Athletic user fee - $250 per sport, a student that qualifies for free or reduced lunch pays $25 fee per sport. 2. Physical within 13 months 3. Register through Athletic Web Page Includes concussion test Includes medical release 5. Academically eligible 6. All paperwork must be handed in to athletic department before first day of practice or try out
Sports Medicine Parents are responsible for contacting coach about child’s medical conditions. Athletic trainer Tim McPhillips is also a P.E. teacher at the high school. Coaches are responsible for meeting with Tim McPhillips about accident reports. Students and parents should also tell coach, Mr. McPhillips, & school nurse ASAP about possible injuries. ImPACT testing – Concussion Baseline on your lap tops
Student-Athlete Specific Rules ’20 minute rule’ Chemical Health Rule – Drugs, alcohol & tobacco P.E. Rule Traveling to games: buses and vans Academic eligibility Good Citizens
Playing Time & Cut Policy 34 Varsity Sports and 64 Overall Teams Coaches are responsible for stating tryout procedure at either pre-season meeting or first day of tryouts Playing time different at varsity, JV, and freshman levels User fee checks are returned if student is cut and chooses to not join another sport
MIAA Bona Fide Team Member Rule Students may participate in one high school sport per season Teams practice or play games up to 5 or 6 times per week High school sport must be a student’s #1 priority for athletics Students are penalized for missing a game or practice to compete for another team (e.g. AAU, club, etc.)
Odds & Ends Bag Storage Communication with Coaches Captains’ Practices Winter/Spring Sports – Pre-Season meetings & registration Twitter - @DuxAthletics ACADEMICS ALWAYS COME FIRST!