Lesions Learned 2018 Primary Registrar of Voter’s Conference 9/21/2018
Lesions Learned 2018 Primary We had two primaries, Republican and Democratic, yet in a few towns only one registrar was showing up in the months and weeks leading to the primary. Some were on vacation out of the country.
Lesions Learned 2018 Primary Misunderstanding of deadline for party affiliation if an unaffiliated voter.
Lesions Learned 2018 Primary Town Halls closed on Monday the day before the primary. Prospective voters were unable to register to vote or to enroll in a party. Voters were unable to cast or return absentee ballots.
Lesions Learned 2018 Primary Disability Issues-Not all locations were accessible to voters with disabilities. Temporary ramp not in compliance with state and federal law. Slope too high; door swings into ramp and wheelchair; door not adequate width; threshold too high for wheelchair to safely navigate.
Lesions Learned 2018 Primary Schools undergoing renovations in summer; asbestos abatement, etc. Lack of communication between registrars’ office and superintendent of schools. Voters unaware of change in polling place.
Lesions Learned 2018 Primary Ballots for both Democratic and Republican candidates were left in a pile on a table, unattended, and voters instructed to pick one.
Lesions Learned 2018 Primary Local election officials engaging in heated arguments at the polls.
Lesions Learned 2018 Primary Requesting driver’s license and not indicating that there are other acceptable forms of ID. Requiring that the voter prove residence when voting. You need only prove that you are the person whose name appears on the checklist.
Lesions Learned 2018 Primary Not permitting inactive voters to vote. Should be offered ED-671, add name to check list and permit the elector to vote.
Lesions Learned 2018 Primary Confusing primary petition and nominating petitions.
Lesions Learned 2018 Primary Misuse of CVRS “other” party.
Lesions Learned 2018 Primary Planning to use EDR on primary day.