Introducing the OLANTO Project Introducing the OLANTO Project Rationale for the Creation of Olanto So What Exactly is Olanto ? Software Distribution Roadmap Demos Presentation to RMLL 2012, Geneva
1. Rationale : Context 1. The translation business is changing fast Translation volumes keep increasing Internal translation teams are not allowed to grow Deadlines are ever tighter Increasing use of external translators 2. Budgets keep shrinking Less money for more translation work Sub-contracted work is generally perceived as cheaper Flexibility is needed in the translation workforce
Adaptation Requirements 1. Re-engineering the translation workflow Automating every possible task Adding a systematic Pre-Translation phase upfront Sharing tools and data with external translators and customers 2. Deploying a complete set of CAT tools to support the new workflow Translation Memory, Terminology, Concordancer, Machine Translation, Search Engine, Translation Mgmt. / EDMS, etc. Only web-based tools (to share tools and data) Open Source or Free Software (no license costs) Geographically-close professional assistance
The Good Ol’ Translation Way Is Gone… Customer Translation Manager Translator Document to be translated sends to forwards CAT tool (one at a time) uses sends back Translated document
The New Workflow Requires More Tools Customer Document to be translated Pre-Translation Translation Memory Preparation Source & Target Language Translation Deadline Other Customer Indications ? Automated Word Count Machine Translation Doc. to be translated Pre-translation Statistics Translator Database Translation Manager Translator Translation Translation sent back to customer Terminology Database Concordancer CMS Other Processes ?
…Hence the creation of Olanto 1. Assembling a complete suite of CAT tools Initially: Concordancer and MT tools, then TM, Terminology, CMS More to come over time… Only web-based tools Only open source tools 2. Distributing the development effort Everyone can participate in the debugging & evolution of each tool 3. Organizing the deployment & support effort Tools are deployed and maintained by local IT companies or individuals who can be trained and certified by Olanto
2. What is Olanto? A Network ! Simple Shift Answer Neurones Tech CrossLang ? Alan K. Melby ? Other individuals ? … Jacques Guyot Nizar Ghoula Mario Pinho Ang Chen Lomig Mégard … Professional Partners Developers Other Stakeholders Academic World Swiss Confederation Free IT Foundation TAUS Drupal ? Individuals ? … University of Geneva EPFL … Customers CERN UPU IOC …
Why a Foundation ? Not-for-Profit = Independent Independent from vendors: Does not have to sell anything, sales and consulting are performed by partner companies Independent from products: Can replace any tool any time by any better-performing one (if it is open source or free software) Its structure allows associating external actors Support Committee: for political and financial support and advice Expert Committee: for technical support and advice
More About Olanto The Foundation Board Capital and Revenues Jacques Guyot and Karim Benzineb, the founders from Simple Shift Prof. Gilles Falquet, teacher and researcher at the Computer Science Center of the University of Geneva Alexandre Poltorak, Vice-President of the Free IT Foundation and co-organizer of the RMLL 2012 Capital and Revenues Initial capital paid for by Jacques and Karim (no way to ever take it back!) Subsidies requested from the Swiss Confederation (pending) Donations are allowed (e.g. from large companies, public bodies, etc.) in particular to finance the development of specific tools or modules
3. Software Distribution Roadmap By July 2012: myCAT: A concordancer (“Text Aligner”) with a quote detection module (“Quote Detector”) By Sept. 2012: myMT: A set of tools to deploy Moses in a production environment Q4 2012 / Q1 2013: myTerm: A terminology management tool Q2 / Q3 2013: myTM: A translation memory tool Later on: An EDMS / Translation Management tool, etc…
Call for Contributions Everyone is welcome to contribute to the Olanto project. Olanto is particularly interested in: More CAT or language-related tools (open source only!) Data such as terminology databases, bi-text collections, etc. in all languages for system training and translation-assistance purposes (no copyright please!) Ideas and suggestions to develop the CAT suite Developer time for free software projects Partners (IT companies and individual professionals) worldwide to be trained and certified so they can deploy and maintain the CAT suite
Demos myCAT in standalone mode (from the Olanto website) myCAT and myMT integrated with SharePoint 2010 for the UPU (Free and proprietary software working together!)