Ancient Egypt Land of the Pharaohs
BIG IDEA The water, fertile soils, and protected setting of the Nile Valley allowed a great civilization to arise in Egypt around 3200 BC.
TOPICS in this section: Location and Physical Features of the Nile The Floods of the Nile.
MAIN IDEA Egypt was called the gift of the Nile because the Nile River gave life to the desert.
The existence of Egypt was based solely around the Nile, the world’s longest river.
Egypt was called the “GIFT OF THE NILE.” Geography played a key role in the development of the Egyptian civilization. Egypt was called the “GIFT OF THE NILE.”
The river was so important to people that Egypt was called “the gift of the Nile.”
Ancient Egypt: Geography Egypt is known as “The Gift of the Nile” The Nile River is the longest river in the world and dominated the Egyptian world/thought Surrounded by desert with occasional oasis Permits some trade Defense from invasion Contributes to feeling of safety Dry environment preserves artifacts Egypt was a river valley civilization that formed along the Nile River. The Nile delta, triangle shaped area with soil deposited by a river, provided Egypt with 2/3s of its farm land. The Nile flooded each year providing Egypt with life.
The Nile flooded each year providing a 13 mile wide river valley (around the river) which was filled with rich silt. This rich soil was great for farming and gave Egypt life Without the flooding they would not have survived there..
Measures the water level in the Nile River. Nile - O – Meter Measures the water level in the Nile River.
Delta A triangle-shaped area of land made from soil deposited by a river
Lower Egypt was centered in the river delta, a triangle-shaped area of land made of soil deposited by the river. NILE DELTA
The Nile delta, triangle shaped area with soil deposited by a river, provided Egypt with 2/3s of its farm land.
People Settle in Egypt People started settling along the Nile 12,000 years ago, developing irrigation and canals for agriculture. Egypt was a perfect place for civilization to develop: a large food supply and easily defensible against enemies.
Irrigation They built basins to collect water during the yearly floods and to store this precious resource long afterward. They also built a series of canals that could be used in the dry months to direct water from the basins to the fields where it was needed. Shaduf
The Nile carries water from central Africa through a vast stretch of dessert land.
Ancient Egypt developed along a 750-mile stretch of the Nile
It was originally organized into two kingdoms-Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.
Egypt is divided into two parts. -Upper Egypt -Lower Egypt
Upper Egypt was located upriver in relation to the Nile’s flow Upper Egypt was located upriver in relation to the Nile’s flow. Lower Egypt was the northern region and was located downriver. LOWER EGYPT Water flow UPPER EGYPT
Cataracts or steep rapids, marked the Southern border of Upper Egypt
Cataracts Rapids along a river, such as those along the Nile in Egypt
In midsummer, the Nile would flood Upper Egypt and in the fall the river would flood Lower Egypt
This made sure that the farmland would stay moist and fertile.
As the land surrounding the Nile Valley was arid desert, this watered area was the lifeline for everyone who lived in the region.
Why was Egypt called the gift of the Nile? READING CHECK (SUMMARIZING) Why was Egypt called the gift of the Nile?
MAIN IDEA Civilization developed along the Nile after the people began farming in this region.
With dry desert all around, it is no wonder that ancient settlers were attracted to this abundant and protected area of fertile farmland
Hunter-gatherers first moved to the area around 12,000 years ago…. and found plenty of meat and fish to hunt and eat,
By 4500 BC farmers were living in villages and growing wheat and barley. They were also raising cattle and sheep.
Around 3200 BC the Egyptian villages became organized into two kingdoms.
PE The capital of Lower Egypt was located in the northwest Nile Delta at a town called Pe.
The capital city of Upper Egypt was called Nikhen The capital city of Upper Egypt was called Nikhen. It was located on the west bank of the Nile.
What attracted early settlers to the Nile Valley? READING CHECK (SUMMARIZING) What attracted early settlers to the Nile Valley?
MAIN IDEA Strong kings unified all of Egypt.
Around 3100 BC Menes (MEE-neez), the king of Upper Egypt, invaded Lower Egypt
Menes was the first pharaoh, which literally means ruler of a “great house
He married a princess there in order to unite the two kingdoms under his rule.
Double Crown worn by Menes after uniting the two kingdoms Menes was the first pharaoh, which literally means ruler of a “great house Double Crown worn by Menes after uniting the two kingdoms White Crown of Upper Egypt Red Crown of Lower Egypt
Double Crown worn by Menes to represent the joining of the two kingdoms.
He also started the first Egyptian dynasty, or series of rulers from the same family.
He built a new capital city, Memphis, which became a popular cultural center.
His dynasty ruled for nearly 200 years. The First Egyptian Dynasty
MENES, Egypt’s First Pharaoh Menes united Egypt in 3100 B.C. Before him Scorpion had tried, but failed. Menes claimed the title Pharaoh, which means “great house” He created the first dynasty, a series of rulers from the same family. His dynasty lasted for 200 years, then a rival family took over, creating a second dynasty.
Pharaoh - The title used by the rulers of Egypt
Dynasty A series of rulers from the same family
A mural of Narmer or Menes conquering Lower Egypt (c.a. 3100 B.C.)
Why do you think Menes wanted to rule over both kingdoms of Egypt? READING CHECK (DRAWING INFERENCES) Why do you think Menes wanted to rule over both kingdoms of Egypt?