The Egyptian Gods
The Egyptian Gods Osiris Osiris was the god of the underworld and the dead. He was the husband and brother of Isis. Just to give you an idea of his popularity, he was the only deity referred to as “god”.
The Egyptian Gods Isis Isis was the goddess of fertility and motherhood. She was one of the earliest and most important of the Egyptian goddesses. Her crown had an empty thrown, because she mourned the death of her husband Osiris.
The Egyptian Gods Horus Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis. He is usually shown with the red and white crown called the pschent. The crown was a symbol of all of Egypt and Horus was usually seen as the national patron god over all the land.
The Egyptian Gods Anubis Anubis was the god of embalming, death and funerals. He had the head of a jackal, probably since they were seen around cemeteries. He took care of Osiris after death.
The Egyptian Gods Ra Ra was the god associated with the midday sun, light, warmth and life. He was the creator giving life to all creatures, both human and animals.
The Egyptian Gods Hathor Hathor was the goddess of joy, motherhood, love, fertility and dancing. Sometimes the wife of Ra was shown with cow ears or horns and other times with human ears. Her crown had horns and a full moon disk.
The Egyptian Gods Sobek Sobek was the god of the Nile, the military, fertility and – of course – crocodiles. It was believed that his tears formed the Nile River. He was respected, feared and represented the power of the Pharaoh.
The Egyptian Gods Set Set was the god of the desert, storms, chaos and every kind of scary event was associated with him. In a battle for the throne of Egypt, Set killed his brother Osiris.
The Egyptian Gods Thoth Thoth was the moon god. His head was like an ibis, possibly since the bill looked like a crescent moon. He was both magical and wise. Thoth helped Isis bring Osiris back to life.