To donate online, go to, fundraisers, Write a Check Campaign Help support the Millstone River PTA by simply writing a check! The Millstone River PTA provides quality programs and family fun events that encourage parental involvement and support classroom curriculum. Your contribution will help support Family Fun Nights, the Science Fair, Reflections Art Program, Student Programs & Assemblies, Winter Party and much, much more. To donate online, go to, fundraisers, then click on the Community Pass/WWP MRSPTA link. All donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Please check with your employer to see if they will match your donation! Please contact Salena Desiano at if you have any questions. Write a Check Campaign Make checks payable to MRS PTA Enclose the lower half of this form and payment in an envelope marked “WAC PTA” and have your child hand in to his or her teacher. Student’s Name:_________________________________________________________ Grade:_____ Teacher:_________________________________________________ Name of person donating:__________________________________________________ Total donation amount: $25___ $50___ $75____$100___ other______ Thank you!