Mail Innovation and Promotions Great Lakes Mailing Industry Focus Group January 30, 2014 Ray Van Iterson Manager of Innovation New Products & Innovation
As Effective as Ever Source: Target Marketing 2012 Annual Media Usage Survey Direct Mail delivers strongest ROI for acquisition, contact, and retention 2
Mail is Valued Mail is highly valued 80% look at their mail daily as a valuable news source Mail is highly valued 75% like to see what’s in the mail 63% of mail is kept at least 2 days Source: Mail Moment Survey 2012
Youth Attitudes Mail is Relevant 79% sort the mail at the first opportunity 72% would like to receive more personal mail 67% scan the mail looking for important/interesting mail 4 4
Mail is Evolving & Adapting Digital Integration Mobile Explosion Ecommerce Growth Small Businesses
Mail Connects with a “Mobile Society” Changing Marketplace PC shipments expected to be down 15% in 2013 (IDC, Dec2013) Mobile Commerce on the Rise 1.8 billion smartphone and tablet sales predicted worldwide for 2013 (Gartner, Nov 2013) Mobile commerce sales expected to increase 68% in 2013, to nearly $42 billion (eMarketer, Sept 2013) By 2017, 77% of digital buyers in the U.S. will purchase via smartphone or tablet (eMarketer, Apr. 2013) How consumers conduct their eCommerce is changing. According to International Data Corporation (IDC), PC shipments for Q1 2013 are down nearly 14% compared to Q1 2012. This decline represents the worst quarter since IDC began tracking the PC market quarterly in 1994. As the PC market contracts, the mobile market continues to grow. Sales of smartphones and tablets are expected to reach 1.2 billion worldwide in 2013 according to research firm Gartner. In 2012, mobile commerce sales grew 81% to nearly $25 billion, and by 2017 more than three-quarters of all digital buyers will purchase via a mobile device. 6 6
Mobile Buy It Now 7 Expedited Mail United States Postal Service
Mail Promotions are Adapting July-Aug 2011 July-Aug 2012 Nov 2012 2013 2011 Mobile Barcode Promotion 2012 Commerce and Personalization Holiday Shopping Promotional Calendar Program Learnings and Growth: Mailers need time to prepare Increasing emphasis on best practices Encourage different uses of mobile technology integration Encourage mailers to try new things 8 8 8
2013 Promotions Calendar We had numerous comments with all our past sales and promotions that mailers didn’t have enough time to prepare. The 2013 Promotions Calendar was filed with the PRC on October 11, 2013 as part of the price change notice, and approved on November 16, 2012. Did not get a lot of publicity at first, but we sent our email blasts internally and to the industry and are starting to get some questions. Each promotion requires separate registration…. Direct Mail Mobile Coupons – Mail contains mobile technology that delivers a coupon redeemable in-store or online when scanned Click-To-Call - Mail links directly to a mobile optimized website with a “click-to-call” Earned Value Mail – provides mailers with an earned postage credit based on qualifying First-Class BRM and CRM Emerging Technologies - Focus on promoting awareness of how innovative technology, such as Near-Field Communication (NFC), can be integrated with direct mail Product Samples - The 2013 Simple Samples Promotion will re-invigorate product sampling via the mail by making it more affordable for mailers to send samples Picture Permit – Creates an opportunity for mailers to customize the permit indicia space of the mailpiece Mobile Buy-It-Now – Similar to the 2012 Holiday Mobile Shopping Promotion, use mail to directly link to a mobile optimized site for product purchase 9 Expedited Mail United States Postal Service 9
Standard Mail--Augmented Reality Instructions in the catalog to download the Ikea app. Directional copy in the catalog which says “Scan this page with your mobile device to see more”. With app on your mobile device you scan the pages with the image and create augmented reality experience. And, finally, we are asking participants to register for the promotion using the Incentive Programs Service in the Business Customer Gateway. Registration is important because: Mailers will be able to obtain a basic report of their qualifying mail volumes through the tool. Also, it will enable the Postal Service to see participation at the company level and to survey customers who participated. This will allow us to perform in-depth analyses to demonstrate the value of these promotions and help develop future promotions. So just to review: The promotion is open to mailers and MSPs sending commercial Standard Mail and First-Class Mail letters, flats and cards You must register on Business Customer Gateway Registration opens September 15, 2013 and remains open through the end of the promotion (December 31, 2013). Customers must register in advance of their mailing 10 10 10
Mobile Buy It Now Promotion Mobile barcode or similar print technology takes consumer to mobile-optimized site for product purchase Participating: Over 350 mailers Total Volume: Over 2.5 B mailpieces 18% of Standard Mail 3% of First-Class Mail 508 Compliance: 3 boxes, red checkmarks in two of them and a red pencil writing the checkmarks For additional information on the Mobile Buy-It-Now Promotion, please visit our Buy-It-Now promotions webpage on RIBBS. To register for the promotion, please visit the Business Customer Gateway on 11 11
2014 Promotional Calendar Objectives Integrate Mobile Technology Build upon previous promotions and continue strategy to encourage mailers to integrate direct mail with mobile technology Evolve mail for new uses Color promotions Variable data printing Premium advertising
2014 Promotions 21
Branded Color Mobile Technology 2014 Promotions Branded Color Mobile Technology Consumers are 47% more likely to scan a recognizably branded QR Code Reach Consumers Placing a logo or graphic into the QR code increases the visibility and the recognition for the brand, product or service being offered. Visual QR codes allow the QR code to be placed front and center making it part of the ad rather than just a footnote to it. Increased Brand Awareness 508 Compliance: Image of man scanning QR code in a catalog. Discount off total postage for commercial Standard Mail and First- Class Mail Discount Company name Source:
Branded Color Mobile Technology 2014 Promotions Branded Color Mobile Technology Promotion Period: February 1 – March 31, 2014 Eligible Mail: Standard and Nonprofit Mail letters and flats First-Class Mail presort and automation letters, cards and flats Discount: 2 percent per eligible mailpiece. Mobile barcode must be functional and incorporate one of the following: a. 2 or more colors (other than black, white or gray) b. a trademark or graphic that includes a color or multiple colors (other than black, white or gray) Other mobile technology options that do not interfere with the creative value of the printed mailpiece also eligible (i.e., color image embedded with a digital watermark, print image recognition). Note: Mail Documentation Software changes Mail.XML versions 13.0A and 13.0B – use CCR value MT Mail.dat version 13.1 – use CCR value MT All other versions – use CCR value CP 15 Expedited Mail United States Postal Service 15
Earned Value Reply Mail Promotion 2014 Promotions Earned Value Reply Mail Promotion Encourage USPS customers to continue to provide Business Reply Mail® (BRM) and Courtesy Reply Mail™ (CRM) as options for consumers to communicate with them. Registration Period: February 15 – March 31 Promotion Period: April 1 – June 30 (Reply pieces counted during this period) Credit 2 cents credit per eligible, returned CRM or BRM mailpiece. Participants in the 2013 Promotion whose CRM and BRM counts increase in 2014 receive 3 cents per eligible mailpiece Credit Receipt/Redemption Credit will be applied to the mailer’s Permit Imprint account 16 Expedited Mail United States Postal Service 16
Premium Advertising Product Promotion 2014 Promotions Premium Advertising Product Promotion Promotion offers an upfront discount on First-Class Mail letters composed entirely of marketing or advertising content. Registration Period: Feb. 15 – June 30 Promotion Period: April 1 – June 30 Eligible Mail: First-Class Mail commercial letters (IMb full-service mailings) Discount: 15% off eligible FCM postage Eligible Participants: Customers who mailed $6 million or more in Standard Mail letter postage in FY 2013 Eligible Customers contacted by USPS by Dec 20,2013 Postage Payment: Permit Imprint only Requirements Posted on RIBBS 17
Mail & Digital Personalization Promotion 2014 Promotions Mail & Digital Personalization Promotion Both the mailpiece and PURL/website must be customized and/or personalized to qualify for this promotion. Registration: March 15 – June 30 Promotion Period: May 1 – June 30 Eligible Mail: Standard Mail letters and flats Nonprofit Standard Mail letters and flats First-Class Mail presort and automation letters, cards and flats IMb full-service mailings for applicable products Discount: 2% per eligible mailpiece. Program requirements Posted on RIBBS/ 18
Mail & Digital Personalization Promotion 2014 Promotions Mail & Digital Personalization Promotion Mailpiece Requirements Must be relevant and highly personalized to the recipient, and Contents based on, information about the recipient such as: - Name - Buying behavior - Age - Preferences - Birthday - Online behavior Must contain PURL/print mobile technology directing recipient to website Mailpiece Requirements: The mailpiece must be personalized and/or customized to qualify for this promotion. Also required: 1. Mailpiece must include information relevant and highly personalized to the individual recipient using VDP or other print technology, and 2. Mailpiece contents must contain or be designed based on, factual and/or behavioral information about the individual recipient such as: - Name - Buying behavior - Age - Preferences - Birthday - Online behavior 3. The mailpiece must contain a personalized url or print mobile technology that directs the recipient to an active website Mailings with limited versions and little (or irrelevant) mailpiece variation that are segmented to large recipient groups based on general criteria do not meet these requirements Webpage Requirements: The urls, or print-mobile technology must lead to a personalized landing page . Also required: The destination webpage must provide highly personalized content that relates to the recipient. The destination webpage must contain information relevant to the content of the mailpiece. The destination webpage must have a unique url that enables the mailer the ability to track and monitor individual web activity. Webpage Requirements Urls, or print-mobile technology must lead to a personalized landing page Destination webpage must provide highly personalized content Must have a unique url that enables the mailer the ability to track and monitor individual mail recipient response and web activity 19
Color Print in First-Class Mail Transactions Promotion 2014 Promotions Color Print in First-Class Mail Transactions Promotion Encourage FCM mailers to use color messaging on bills and statements Registration Period: July 15 – December 31 Program Period: August 1 – December 31 Eligible Mail: First-Class Mail commercial letters (sent in IMb full-service mailings) Discount: Upfront 2% postage discount Mailpiece must have dynamic color printing on the bill or statement Color messaging must be marketing or consumer information Color inserts and pre-printed color paper stock, do not qualify Color in transactional fields will not qualify 20
Color Print in First-Class Mail Transactions Promotion 2014 Promotions Color Print in First-Class Mail Transactions Promotion 1. Pre printed color paper stock does not qualify 2. Color content is marketing or consumer information The color messaging must be within the contents of the bill or statement and cannot be an addendum or separate page added to the bill or statement The color messaging can be at the end of the bill or statement but; Must appear as part of the bill or statement, same paper stock Must appear as a page of the statement i.e. page 6 or 6 Must include the same header/footer information/formating as other pages Must appear to be dynamically printed 3. Color messaging is dynamically printed 21
Emerging Technologies Promotion 2014 Promotions Emerging Technologies Promotion Encourage mailers to enhance the value of their mail utilizing Near Field Communication Other potential technologies still being considered Registration Period: June 14 – September 30 Promotion Period: August 1 – September 30 Discount: 2% per eligible mailpiece Eligible Mail: Standard Mail letters and flats Nonprofit Standard Mail letters and flats IMb full-service mailings for applicable products 22 Expedited Mail United States Postal Service 22
Mail Drives Mobile Commerce Promotion 2014 Promotions Mail Drives Mobile Commerce Promotion Encourage marketers and retailers to utilize state of the art mobile purchasing technology with direct mail to facilitate purchases. Eligible mailpieces must include print/mobile technology that can be read or scanned by a mobile device and leads the recipient to a mobile-optimized shopping website. Registration Period: September 15 – December 31 Promotion Period: November 1 – December 31 Eligible Mail: Standard Mail letters and flats Nonprofit Standard Mail letters and flats IMb full-service mailings for applicable products Discount: 2% per eligible mailpiece (Mailers who fulfill packages via Priority Mail may qualify for and additional 1% discount) Priority Mail Fulfillment Rebate Additional 1% Standard Mail postage rebate 23 Expedited Mail United States Postal Service 23
Future of Mail
For further information: Program Contact Information For further information: Email: (Premium Advertising Promotion) (Earned Value Promotion) Mail: US Postal Service Attn: Promotions and Incentives Post Office Box 23282 Washington, DC 20026-3282 Web: 508 Compliance: 3 boxes, red checkmarks in two of them and a red pencil writing the checkmarks Expedited Mail United States Postal Service
Questions? And that concludes our presentation on Mail & Mobile Commerce – Making the Connection. Any questions? 26 Expedited Mail United States Postal Service