This week in Reading we: “In the Shade” Weekly Newsletter The week of: January 8st-12th Math Writing Missing Addends Subtraction and addition, multi-step word problems RDW process (Read, Draw, Write) to utilize when solving word problems. Math Fact fluency Creating equal number sentences.(i.e. 14-8=6 and 4+2=6.) Throughout the week, students will be sent home with exit tickets. After each lesson, students complete an exit ticket to show their understanding of that day’s lesson. At the top, they will receive a +,check, or -…+ means the student showed full understanding. “Check” means they understood for the most part, and – means they need extra support from Ms. Shade This week in Writing: Opinion Writing: Topics (Which is Better? Activity) Adding multiple reasons to our opinion books. Strong sentence starters Synonyms “I Have A Dream…” Reading Extra Info This week in Reading we: Continued practicing the /ow/ and /ou/ sound/spelling We read about Rosa parks and different Civil Rights Movement stories. Flexibility Strategies for reading stamina. Reading fluency and accuracy Visualizing different stories, genres and books. Retelling . Thank you for completing the Culture homework assignment with your child!! They were so fun to celebrate! January 15th is MLK day: NO SCHOOL January 29th: Teacher Work Day- NO SCHOOL email: