- Living independently and actively in old age - Demographic Change / Health and Ageing - Living independently and actively in old age - JPI-Workshop Berlin 28.-29.01.2010 Dr. Ulf Lange/BMBF CREST/GPC meeting Brussels, 04.12.2009 Forschung Research
Berlin Workshop Date: 28th/29th of January 2010 Venue: Berlin (city centre) Participants: 120-150 policy makers + experts from all Member States Organizer: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Chair: N.N. Concept: High level workshop: thematic keynotes (plenary presentations) and workshop sessions Document: Preparation of common JPI outline “Demographic change”. Draft discussion paper prepared in advance. Follow-up process: integration of given aspects, further preparation of a common JPI proposal.
Further information (coming soon): „www.JP-demographic.eu“ Contact: Dr. Marc Bovenschulte VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH Steinplatz 1 10623 Berlin Germany Tel. +49-30-310 078 - 108 Fax +49-30-310 078 - 216 E-Mail: bovenschulte@vdivde-it.de Diese Seite muss noch ausgetauscht werden, fehlt etwas.
Looking forward to meeting you ‚© magicpen / PIXELIO Looking forward to meeting you in Berlin!