12. Does final classification result in promotion? 10. HR Spec. conducts desk audit with supervisor and employee (~ 15 days) Yes No Yes 8A. Dir. submits to HR Specialist/ OHCM for Evaluation and Decision No 9. HR Spec. reviews PD and Pos Rev request information (~ 15 days) 11. HR Specialist evaluates work against applicable OPM classification standard No 13A. HR Specialist certifies the new PD and notifies Supervisor NoNo Yes 3B/4C. No promotion is indicated. Supervisor provides feedback to employee. 5. Supvr/ Employee complete Position Review Request ( ~ 21 days) 2A. At least annually, supvr. discusses career development & promotion potential, and reviews employee PD 6. Supvr submits completed documents through Directorate for concurrence (~ 14 days) 2C. Have additional duties materially changed the work of the position? NOTE: Supervisor does Position Management on an ongoing basis 7. Does Dir. concur? (~ 15 Days) 15. Employee is promoted. 14. A FPPS action is completed. Supervisor and/or HR Specialist notifies employee. 8B. Directorate provides feedback to employee and supervisor. 4B. OHCM classifies PD/ processes appropriate personnel action 13B. HR Specialist prepares an evaluation statement and provides it to supervisor and employee. If the employee is dissatisfied, can file a classification appeal. No 1. Supervisor and OHCM consult 2B. Has impact of the person materially changed the work of the position? 3. Are work and PD out of alignment? Yes OHCM Leads Supervisor Leads Employee or Supervisor can lead Directorate Leads Legend 4. Supvr consults w/ OHCM, drafts new PD. Does work appear to support higher grade? (~10 days)
Specific Guidance for Flowchart (Numbers align with flowchart item numbers) Successful non-competitive promotion process: 1.As good position management dictates, when new work comes in, the default should be to compete the work unless only one candidate is truly qualified. OHCM should be consulted to determine appropriate course of action. 2A, B & C.The supervisor and employee should incorporate career development discussions at least annually, at a minimum. Discussions can occur at any time as appropriate, e.g., where the magnitude of work has changed dramatically (the Position Description (PD) no longer reflects the work scope/level.) The supervisor and employee are responsible for discussing career opportunities within the current position and external to the current position. 3.Is the employees current work out of alignment with the employees current PD? If yes, continue to step 4. Otherwise continue to step 3B below. 4.Supervisor drafts a new PD, employee may participate. In consult w/OHCM, does the work appear to be at a higher level? If yes, continue to step 5, otherwise continue to step 4B. Estimated completion time - 10 calendar days. 4B.OHCM classifies PD and processes personnel action as appropriate, e.g., re-description of duties, reassignment. Continue to 4c below. 5.Supervisor/employee completes a Position Review Request for Non-Competitive Promotion. Estimated completion time - 21 calendar days. 6.Supervisor submits Non-Competitive Promotion Package through Directorate for concurrence. Estimated completion time - 14 calendar days. 7.If Directorate concurs, continue to step 8A. Otherwise continue to step 8B below. Estimated completion time - 15 calendar days. 8a.Submit Non-Competitive Promotion Package to HR Specialist/OHCM for evaluation and decision. 9.The HR Specialist reviews PD and Position Review Request Information. Estimated completion time - 15 calendar days. 10.The HR Specialist conducts desk audit. Estimated completion time - 15 calendar days. 11.The HR specialist evaluates work against applicable OPM classification standard(s) based on all information gathered. 12.If the review supports an increase in grade, continue to step 13A. Otherwise continue to step 13B below. 13A.The HR Specialist certifies the new PD and notifies the supervisor. Estimated completion time for # 11/12/13 – 30 calendar days. 14.A FPPS action is prepared to effect the promotion. The Supervisor and/or OHCM notifies the employee. 15.The employee is promoted. Non-successful non-competitive promotion process: If the answer is no to decisions at step 4, 5, 8, or 12, no promotion is indicated and the following steps occur, depending on stage: 3B.Supervisor provides feedback to employee 4C.Supervisor provides feedback to employee 8B.Directorate provides feedback to employee and supervisor 13B. The HR Specialist prepares an evaluation statement documenting the position review and why the higher grade was not supported. The HR Specialist provides the evaluation statement to the supervisor and the employee along with options for appeal.