What are the major geographic features of North, Central, and East Asia? Notes #2
Russia makes up North Asia, bordered by the Arctic and Pacific Oceans. Russia’s population: 142,905,000
Moscow, Russia (population: 11,514,300)
North Asia is made up of plains in the north and mountains in the south.
The largest nations in Central Asia are Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. COUNTRY POPULATION UZBEKISTAN 27,606,000 KAZAKHSTAN 16,004,000 TAJIKISTAN 7,349,000 KRYGYZSTAN 5,482,000
Almaty, Kazakhstan (population: 1,421,800) Tashkent, Uzbekistan (population: 2,200,000)
Most of Central Asia is made up of deserts and mountains.
The largest nations in East Asia are China, Mongolia, Japan, South Korea, and North Korea. COUNTRY POPULATION CHINA 1,339,724,000 JAPAN 127,950,000 SOUTH KOREA 48,988,000 NORTH KOREA 24,346,000 TAIWAN 23,174,000
Shanghai, China (population: 17,830,000)
Beijing, China (population: 12,950,000)
Tokyo, Japan (population: 8,949,400)
Seoul, South Korea (population: 9,794,300)
The climate of East Asia is cold during the winter and warm during the summer.
Gobi Desert (area of 500,000 miles) Geographic features of East Asia include: deserts, mountains, rivers, and islands. Japanese archipelago (6,852 islands) Gobi Desert (area of 500,000 miles)
Yellow River (length of 3,395 miles) The Gobi Desert and the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers are located in East Asia. Yellow River (length of 3,395 miles)
East Asian nations are bordered by the Pacific Ocean.