Unit 2: how to get career training I need to be trained…? Unit 2: how to get career training
Essential questions Now that you have chosen the career you want to pursue, you need to figure out how to become qualified to be hired in that career filed. First, you need to consider a few questions: Does this career require college, trade school , or apprenticeship Where are the best places to get this training? How di I find out if these institutions/organizations are right for me?
What does my career require? The importance of a good resume…. What a workplace is going to look for in your resume is called your WORK CREDENTIALS. You can start or advance you career with credentials that document and verify your workplace skills, knowledge, and experience.
What are the types of workforce credentials? Licenses are knowledge and skill credentials that are legally required for some occupations. Licensing requirements often vary by state.
What are the types of workforce credentials? A certification is an award earned by passing a test in a certain occupation or profession. Certifications are valued by employers as a demonstration of workers' knowledge, skills, and experience.
What are the types of workforce credentials? Apprenticeship Programs offer supervised, structured on- the-job training combined with related technical instruction.
What are the types of workforce credentials? Educational degrees or training courses serve as qualifications for many occupations.
What are the types of workforce credentials? Work experience includi ng on-the-job training, internships and volunteer or temporary employment, can help develop skills and qualifications.
Does your career require more than one? There are no shortcuts in life, and when it comes to starting a career, one type of work credential may not be enough. For a model, we are going to look at Mrs. G’s Resume and categorize her work credentials into the categories we just learned about: Licensing Certification Educational Degrees Training Course Apprenticeship Work Experience
Exit ticket Free write for five minutes: What do you believe you need to begin the career you have chosen? Which areas will be most important? What are benefits for multiple work credentials? Are some of these credentials not as important? Please place in the turn in tray on your way out